KC a.k.a. Kevin CunninghamBorn in 1968 to a recently widowed member of the Saudi royal family, KC
has been chasing burkha since the day he could walk. Immigrating to the
USA at age 13, and with naught but a yo-yo and 35 shekels to his name,
he disembarked in New York City and immediately fell into despair and
drugs. Prominent leader of the late 80’s street gang “La Chupacabra,â€
KC earned his street cred while jacking old ladies for their walkers
and groceries. He has since turned to more organized street crime,
setting up a gambling house for ex-metal heads in Cleveland, called
affectionately “The Glory Hole.†Specializing in cock fighting and OTB
cricket bets (he’s a huge fan of the New Zealand side…go Kiwis!!), KC
is known throughout the world as the foremost authority on polo ponies.
Contact info:
For Bookings E-mail KC Here
Additional Booking Info Email Here