Since you guys have been helping us out sooooo much, we thought you might wanna be a bigger part of Taste iT Tv and support your favorite band aka MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE even more...Well, this is your chance!!!!!! The idea behind this team is to get up our Youtube views and subscribers.
We want to be able to do more interviews with MCR, maybe even something special... We need to show the label and the management that we have a lot of viewers and a lot of support of the true MCR fans.HOW?
For this to happen, we need YOUR help!!! :) Become a TASTY MCR PROMOTOR! You can make a difference! Every one of you is important to us! And by doing this, you get to promote MCR even more... tell the world about this amazing band! :)The TASTY MCR PROMOTOR MISSION
1) Go to EVERY MCR forum, register (with *yourname*_MCR_tasteittv) and post a link to our interviews with MCR, post our MCR pictures, post some information about Taste iT Tv and MCR, talk to people on the forum about us and MCR:) Don't forget to talk to people with the Taste iT Tv mentality....Polite, Respectful, Honest, Human, Tolerant, Fun2) Go to other forums (forums from magazines, TV channels, other bands, ..ANY kind of forum), register (with *yourname*_MCR_tasteittv) and post a link to our interviews with MCR, post our MCR pictures, post some information about Taste iT Tv and MCR, talk to people on the forum about us and MCR:) Don't forget to talk to people with the Taste iT Tv mentality....Polite, Respectful, Honest, Human, Tolerant, Fun
3) E-mail all your friends and tell them about us, MCR, our interviews and pictures:) Don't forget to put us in Carbon copy ([email protected]) so we can see that you guys have been busy ;)
4) Post bulletins, blogs on your myspace profile about MCR and Taste iT Tv. Wanna be efficient? Post them every morning, afternoon and evening... Then you get the chance that more people see your bulletin :)
5) Make promotion on your own myspace. This means: Put our MCR interviews on your page, our MCR pictures, our banners,... on your profile. Show us your love for Taste iT Tv and MCR !!!
6) Request songs from MCR on your local and national radio station, in TV programs,... you can always dedicate them to Taste iT Tv ;) ;p
7) Flyer at shows. We will send you flyers so you can go to any show you want and make promotion there for us and for MCR!!! Take pictures of you promoting us and MCR to fans...You can even film it!! We will def put everything up on our Taste iT Tv profile!!! We can also give you advice on how to handle all this...just message us!!!
8) When you go to shows, make yourself noticable...Dress yourself up as The Black Parade. Dress Yourself up as Tasty MCR promotors:) We have some pictures of us as an example....we were at a Belgian festival end in July promoting ourselves and MCR :) We were wearing capes with Taste iT Tv on it, we were wearing big black hats with some of the Taste iT Tv MCR pix,... And you know what, this really work :) It’s fun :) you meet other MCR fans, you get to show the world that you are proud of being an MCR fan and not afraid to admit it :) Want more advice? Message us with all your questions!!!
9) Collect as many e-mail addresses as you can for our mailing list! You can do that through myspace bulletins, on forums, ... There are a lot of online possibilities. But you can always do it face-to-face. You can go hang out in town/at shows/while shopping/on you walk to school/... and carry a big board that says something about MCR and Taste iT TV and tell people about Taste iT Tv, about MCR,... and ask people for their e-mail addresses (write them down, with name + email). Make new friends while promoting your fave band and TV channel :) To help you promote us and MCR, we will give you something special to carry with you while doing this promotion. It will help you to get people's attention:) and we are pretty sure you’ll love it! Just promise us you will not copy it or give it to anyone else.
10) When we go to shows and you guys are there too, we can make promotion together! We can get to know each other, have fun and work at the same time. Wouldn't that be fun?! We certainly would love to get to know every one of you!
Codes to use: Gee + Bob interview: link: Gee interview: link:
There are 2 levels of Tasty MCR Promotors.Level One are the promotors that only help us out with the online promotion. That means they promote us and MCR on all kinds of forums, through myspace bulletins, by putting the interviews and pix on their myspace page,... If you want to be a part of this, we will make you your personal avatar for myspace with one of the pics of MCR taken by our amazing photographer :) Brigitte Maenhout Level Two are the Tasty MCR Promotors that do online and face-to-face promotion at shows, at fests, on the street,... These people get a free Tasty MCR Promotor T-shirt!!! :)Yay The more you do for us, the more we do for you! We will make you guys personalized Taste iT Tv games, banners, badges, merch, special personalized myspace icons, slideshows... and more. When we meet, we will also interview you guys and girls (if you want that of course, you do not have to...) on what you have been doing for us, you can tell us all your experiences on camera and we will put it online! The big winners get a big surprise... Trust me, you WILL like it :)
TASTE IT TV COUNTER -Boost up those numbers!!!! :)
Gerard Way interview: 74,967 viewsGerard + Bob interview: 20,454 views
Keep an eye on Taste iT Tv's counter! It shows you how many people have been watching the interview and you can see if the views have been going upwards! Keep motivated by checking how much influence you have with all your actions on our views! Every little actions matters! You will be surpirsed and we will be super happy!!! ;)
We wanna thank you guys and girls again for everything you have been doing for us! It means so much to us!!! We REALLY appreciate it!! Without you we would not have gotten this far!!! REALLY!! So Thank u so much!! You guys keep us motivated to keep going on in rough times, when everything seems to fall apart...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!What happened in Cologne....
Honey You Got The Job :)!!!!! The interview...Check it out...