About Me
I am norwegian. I was raised in Oslo, but I moved to Copenhagen when I was 13. Still live here. Still love here. Personality cue-words (you love it): Egocentrical, musical -I like to believe that I am on my way to become a rather good singer, geeky, sometimes arrogant, sometimes bitchy, realistic, sarcastic, caring, taught by my dear mother that 'every story has got two sides', -and I tend to consider that before judging, pansexual, fond of bodyart (two tattoos and counting), and last but not least, -I'm fond of movies, -often the intelligent, sexual, violent, controversial and in some way 'off' ones. I also love the english language.
Things I care for: Cigarettes, tequila, coffee, food, UV and neon, travel; Berlin, London, New York. Friends, love, sex, dancing in the heat, singing to be beat, dressing up, drinking, kissing, the internet, porn, money, shopping, festivals, people who challlenge me, home interiour, night-time, sun, sleep, fitness...