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About Me

While growing up, I would often spend time with my grandma who was my first real "art teacher." She didn't so much teach as much as give me an avenue to walk down. These avenues usually came in the form of comic books that she would buy me which absolutely enthralled me as I would try to draw what I was seeing by these talented, gifted artists. Whether it was Spiderman's body contorting as he swung about the vibrant streets of New York or Batman chasing down the criminals of Gotham City, I was amazed at the expression that came with each person or situation being depicted. Inspiration can come in all forms. For me, it comes strongest through people. I find most of my work to be based upon human emotion and expression both beautiful and complex. The media that I find to be most expressive of who I am is working with oils. I enjoy oils because it seems to come to me in waves of emotion that I act as a conduit for. It's hard not to ask questions while painting and doubt where the painting is taking you but I find each painting to be a teacher of something greater. You must trust where it is taking you and turn off your mind to the things of this world.

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