Alec Kopyt has roots going back to Odessa, a port city where Russian, Jewish, Greek, Turkish and Romany cultures mixed, and where he himself grew up among thieves, prostitutes and swindlers. He began playing the accordion when he was ten years old.
Alec is an expert on the tradition of Jewish song in Eastern Europe, and he sticks to an emotional interpretation of these classics. A real keeper of the flame, he is also very open minded. So it’s no surprise that he has collaborated with the Amsterdam Klezmer Band , and has also maintained his own project POZA through various lineups for many years.
with POZA :
Shot at 2007-07-25
"Odessa - Jewish Music From Russia" (Air Mail Music)
"Diadromes" (Raumer Records)
"Solntsedar" (OGI Records, Live Bootleg)
with Amsterdam Klezmer Band :
"Limonchiki" (Knitting Factory, 2001)
"Katakofti" (Kalan Rec., 2003)
"Son" (Connecting Cultures, 2005)
"Remixed" (Essay Recordings, 2006)
Alec feat. Eugene Hutz & Yuri Lemeshev at Mehanata, NY, 09-20-2007
Alec Kopyt Big Band (feat. Golem & Jeremiah Lockwood) at Mehanata, 12-22-2007
Alec with Amsterdam Klezmer Band
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4