Derek profile picture


I kneel down to no one, I bow down to no kings...

About Me

I am: Self Motivated, dysfunctional at times, forgiving (to a certain degree), determined, symetrical, intangible, a great friend, a loner, ambitious, spontaneous, genuine and honest, nice...(too nice sometimes ::sigh::), considerate, a bunch of neurons, flesh, and bones, constructed for your visibility. I do not need any pity nor motivation and encouragment from anyone, I stand on my own...I need not people to make me feel better at times. I create my own path and destiny and I will walk the path with no regrets and no turning back. I am me and if you want to know more about "me" come find out... The world can be so unfair and cruel, but keep your head up, pull through and overcome, stand up and dust youself off and continue to excel....the world won't stop rotating for you when there are obstacles. What is your goal? How far will you go for your goals? I have a goal...and I will do whatever it takes to achieve it... Dislikes: deceptive people (I will not show mercy to those who wrong me or take advantage of show mercy shows imperfection. In a fight, my fists knows no equal), slipped discs, dislocated discs, cervical dischernia on the C-7 area, lower back pain, risk assessments, credit analytical work, Mondays, assholes, females that love to show their "ASSets" WAY too much, people that cannot drive for the life of them, annoyance, and stairs with gaps in the me the creeps:(Note: Do not add me unless I know you. If you want to add me, send me a message so at least I know you "actually" exist and reason why. If you think that is a conceited, remeber you did not have to view or add me. Thanks, if you do decide to add me without doing the above, I will NOT add you on my list...sorry I just don't want fake friends and garbages on my list.Sometimes, solitude is your best solution

My Interests

Other people's thoughts, weight training, rugby football, hang out with my friends in Japan, boxing, ghost hunting, mountain climbing, snowboarding, travel, learning and acquiring new experiences, running around town dressed up as Spiderman or in a bunny costume, and movies...I love movies. Also, going into places and coming out of places....its funny how you going to and leaving from the same place seems different. I am also in a team called Team DNK!!! Bakuhatsu!

I'd like to meet:

him, her, first caveman on Earth, the last woman standing on Earth, and Ben Stiller......


Slipknot, Utada Hikaru, Mariah Carey, Static X, Kitty, Savage Garden, Eminem, Goo Goo Dolls, All of Eureka 7's soundtracks, Oakenfold, DJ Tiesto, Gackt, and Maaya Sakamoto


American Psycho, Fight Club, The Fifth Element, Interview with the Vampire, everything Clive Barker creates, The Prophecy series, Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick, Boiler Room, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Nausica, My Neighbor Totoro, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, all The Chinese Ghost Story series, Bride with White Hair, Seven, The Cell, Bicentennial Man, Dark City, Kill Bill series, Sin City, Reign of Fire, The Machinist, Batman Begins, Soldier, all the Matrix, all the Star Wars, Butterfly Effect, Clockwork Orange, Zoolander, City of Angels, Momento, all the Alien series, and Casshern....theres more but it seems useless to list anymore, these are the good ones I enjoyed a lot, the others are just interesting to me.


Naruto, Bleach, Ah! My Goddess, Eureka 7, Family Guy, Futurama, Nana(cuz its too sweet and I don't give a shit that you think thats gay), American Guy, Jackass, Look you've been kicked in the nuts (I don't know the exact name of that show but I am sure you all know what I am talking about) Mad TV, and Chappelle Show


Atlas World, Angels and Devils, Davinci Code, The Giver, Flowers for Algernon, Catcher in the Rye, and The Great Gatsby


Spiderman, Casshern, Renton and Eureka Thurston, and Copy Ninja Kakashi