Kais petang profile picture

Kais petang

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hamba ALLAH,truly ARSENAL fans,Perak Fc,music lovers%D%A%D%A (add me at YM= syakorg %D%A%D%A

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


My Interests

music,futsal,fashion,party,gigs,bundle,sneakers,UK,chill,ars enal f.c,PS2,sports,cars,movie,fadilla

I'd like to meet:

schoolmates+stesma fellas+IKM Lumut trainee+BMI+friends+ Radiohead Fadilla mansor


the beatles,the hives,stone roses,primal scream,richard ashcroft,pink floyd,ian brown, bjork,pulp,soundgarden, coldplay,keane,tHe cure,mars voLta,at-tHe-drive-in,yeah yeah yeahs,dream theather,travis,supergrass,the strokes,black rebel motorcycle club,oasis,interpol,franz ferdinand,the killers,gUn n roses,jarvis crocker,primus, beastie boys,sigur ros,mogwai,fall of troy,flaming lips, adicts,jamiroquai and the list goes on...


city of god,goodfellas,hitler,star wars,planet of the apes,the crow,detroit rock city,24 hour party people,scarface,kungfu hustle,school of rock,Green Street hooligans,buli,the godfather,lord Of the riNgs,lOrd Of dogtown,dead man,pianist,Pulp Fiction,rambo,anger management,starsky n hutch,porn,dOcumentAry,aNd etc


MTV,V,sports(especially football!),aXn,Prison break,csi