I enjoy going every weekend to the Southern Oregon Speedway and race. I am a pit crew member for my uncle and have been doing pit crew for 8 years now. Saturdays are long days and it makes for one hell of a sleep Sunday!! Family is very important to me! I could stare at my two beautiful children every waking moment of the day. Makayla and Dalton are the most precious things that I've ever seen in my life! Never thought being a mother would be SO rewarding!
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I'd like to meet my friends from Phoenix that I haven't talked to in a long time. Anyone who is just willing to chat with me and have a good time just talking. I am interested in people that are outgoing, funny and love to just have a good time.
I enjoy country music, number one!! I also listen to R&B, rock, techno, pretty much anything. I enjoy AC*DC and Led Zeppelin, but I like Boys II Men and Ray Charles. I like a variety of music as long as they are not screaming bloody murder or screaming about pimpin hoes and f____ng bitches, then I am okay. (Although it sounds AWESOME in my truck) ask Kasy!! My husband has gotten me into the rap music again because his low rider truck has an awesome stereo system. His picture of his truck was in my pictures, but the back was a walk-thru and was all hard wood flooring, there were two 15's in the back. It was totaled awhile ago, my husband was in an accident on a highway in town and the front end was totaled. We bought another truck almost identical to this one and are starting over.
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I live on Law & Order CI and SVU. As far as movies, I enjoy comedy the most. I also enjoy actions flicks too! The tear jerkers get me too but I would rather laugh. My favorite comedy is the Blue Collar Comedy tour because that is my family to the T. LoL we are a bunch of rednecks who don't have half a brain cell worth using. That isn't completely true, we do have some smart people in the family!~ I enjoy Ron White the most because he is a funny drunk comedian, and I can almost guarantee his stories are true!!
Friendship PrayerMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day and may their arms to be short to scratch... AMEN
Books???? Aren't those the things with squiggly lines in them that are supposed to spell words? Just kidding!! I especially like Playboy!! OOH I mean Playgirl!! Ooops my secret is out! LoL no I do not enjoy books... too much effort.
My ..1 hero would be my Aunt Rae. She is not only a family member but she is my friend. She has been there through the rough times while growing up and always helped me hold my head high no matter what I did wrong. She would always give me advice and help me go down the right path. My other 1st hero would be my sister Nita, she practically raised me and has always been there for me. We have gone through a lot of shit together but always pulled out of it. She is the most amazing sister~ My sister is 30 years old. My 3rd heroes would be my mother, father and grandmother, for always kicking the shit out of me for doing wrong! LoL Not literally, but would definitely set me straight and that is what I needed, structure.
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