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Paul 2008

About Me

This is a unofficial website dedicated to the promotion of Texas Congressman and soon to be President Ron Paul. One late night watching televison I stumbled upon The Reagan Natioanl Republican debate. I thought what the hell, i need a good laugh- But suddenly i hear a Republican nominee from Texas of all places acually telling the truth, about everything. For the first time in my life i acually believed a Politician. My views in the Classroom and in the world have been labled as "Liberal" or "far left"since the age i started to think on my own. Ron Paul has taught me that i am acually quite the oppisite, i am a free thinking American who doent like the Goverment getting in my business along with taking my taxes to pay for the constant thirst for oil in the middle east. Please spread this message of peace and truth to others.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Thankyou Dr. Paul for having the balls and the silent confidence to inspire the youth of this counrty and attempt to bring hope.

My Blog

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