oil painting, drives to the water, either Lake Huron, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior. I love to visit Kelly. Don't enjoy getting on the plane, but, will fly to see her, pray all the way there and am so amazed to fly and so happy when my feet hit the ground............Here's a picture of my Daughter
I'd like to meet,~~~~Thomas Kinkade ....
"Thank You"....for giving to the Lord, I am a life that was changed......."THANKS" BY RAY BOLTZ AMEN! WHAT A BLESSING TO HEAR HIM SING AND PRAISE GOD! AMEN! "The Wind Beneath my Wings," "Jesus Take The Wheel" Carrie Underwood and "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding"/ "The Devil Wears Prada"
American Idol, Seventh Heaven, The OC, HGTV and Extreme Home Makeover, Deal or No Deal, "Grease, You're The One That I Want"
The Bible, Smooth out the Rough Edges by Marilyn Hickey, God's name, God's nature by Jill Briscoe, The Promise by Tony Evans, Woman after God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George, and also The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, Your Best Life Now by Joel Osteen....
God and Joel Osteen~
~July 2, 2006
I dreamed, I was driving along and didn't know what direction I was headed. I wanted to get home, it was getting later and later, I remembered I had OnStar, but, I didn't use it, just kept thinking I could find my way, and I would recognize a road sign and be ok. I woke up, oh, just a dream, but, I got to thinking, it's the same thing with christianity, I can tap into my source anytime, which is Jesus Christ or I can keep trying to do things on my own. God wants to bless us. We have not because we ask not. Look to Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, no man cometh to the Father except through him. We perrish because of lack of knowledge of him. Get to know Him, he gives real life, life abundant. If God be for you, who can be against you. Let him guide you. Let him be your OnStar....He will lead you and guide you along life's journey. He is the real counselor, he is God, all knowing, all powerful and he is alive and he loves you. He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and he says he will never leave us nor forsake us. His word is God breathed, sharper than a two edged sword. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. God loves you. I look to him, he is my hero! In Him is real life.*******************************************************