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dumbass perfectionists
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Before metal came about as the main ingredient in weaponry, jade was used to make knives, swords and daggers. Though most ancient ways are forgotten because they become outdated, some weapons of antiquity do stand the test of time. The greatest antique weapon of mass destruction to date is, and most likely will always be, self destruction. It is much easier to fight when your opponent is allowed to let him or her self be exposed as the dumbass he or she really is, in turn letting the person, or persons, you come up against commit suicide.
What Kind of Sinner Are You? Your Result: Karma Sinner
You sin only when it will not hurt your advancement. You will sin to help others, which will ultimately benefit you. You are not a perfect person because you will get wild every now and then, but you do not see this as a bad thing. When you think you have an abundance of karma saved up, you will spend some of it to take the edge off of life.