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...This is me...Nastascia...
Da Gov't: Nastascia
EST.: N '88 (21)
Sex: Every Woman...
Sleep: Austin, TX!
♥ statz: Single...
$$: DPS
Contactz: AT&T && TMobile
Seedz: Juss Ma Beautiful GodDaughter!
Its simple...I'm me..not her..not ol girl...not whatchamacallit...I'm ME. Nastascia D. Robinson. I'm not the finest, the baddest, the richest, nor the smartest...but I'm one of the realest. And thats that. I've breathed on this earth for 21 years now...and it never failed me...each and every 7665 of those days has brought me something new. From happiness, sorrow, pain, love, heartbreak, fake ppl, laughter, and the list goes on. But each of those 7665 days have molded me into me today... An intellegent, beautiful, wise, strong, independent, young woman. Im not perfect, nor do I claim to be. I just accept me the way I am, and could careless if the next person does. God puts ppl in are lives for a reason. Good and Bad...but all for a greater purpose. So I show love to all of whom I encounter...because even if they do hurt me, they make me just that much wiser, giving me reason to not hate, but thank them. The world...thru my full or pain and hurt, yet I smile...because thru it all...I'm blessed. ♥...
"Im more than'll never find another...."