About Me
We'll when you get to be my age...where do ya start?
I grew up in a screwed up family, and when I was 17 I got pregnant, married, and started my own screwed up family...that's usually how it works. Anyway, by the time I was 21 I had three children, and no matter how much I loved them and wanted to give them an awesome family, I just couldn't, and I felt like a failure as a mom. At that time, I felt like my kids would be better off without me, and the thoughts I was having were pretty scary... Then one day, God allowed the rug to be pulled out from under me. The week before Christmas I was assalted in a store parking lot and became pregnant. It was through this experience that God called out to me - it's a long story, but all I'll say is for the first time I understood that God loved me, who Jesus was, and that I would never have the life for myself and my children that I wanted without God. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter...what was stolen from me through the assault, was returned to me through a brand new person...God is good. Unfortunately, I still had a lot a garbage that God needed to clean out of my heart, and five years later I gave up on my marriage and filed for divorce. So there I was again...failing - guaranteed people - the minute you decide to disobey God and go your own way, no matter how much you try to justify yourself and make excuses, you'll be on a downward spiral, which sometimes you won't even know the darkness you are in until your at the bottom of the pit looking up and wondering how to get out. Well thank God for His promises - He promises that nothing can snatch you out of His hand and that He will finish the work He starts in you. The bad part is...the consequences that you have to live with. Over the last 10 years God has taught me so much about what He requires of me, and what I need to repent of and leave behind, and he still is. I just don't want to play games with God ever again. I will trust Him, I will wait on Him, I am His and not my own. He has been so so good to me, so much grace, so much love, so many answers, so faithful. Thank you Jesus for taking my place - Help me be real - Help me live out what I say I believe. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow