see above
Anyone who knows something that rhymes with orange. Any pets that have taken control of the family computer or animals in general. You notice that it doesn't say, "People I'd Like to Meet." Strange, don't you think?
Rage against the Machine, Projest 86, Johnny Cash, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Social Distortion, Creedence Clearwater Revival
Matrix2:Reloaded, Saving Prvate Ryan, Lord of the Rings 2 (I wanted to live that movie and I saw it the first time with this really hot girl....good times), The Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Garden State, Patton, Brave Heart, Gladiator
Sea Lab 2021, probably one of the funniest shows ever. And the history channel, discovery, A&E as long as it has something to do with the military, police, or fighting.
the Bible, A Rumor of War, Seizing your Divine Moment, All Quiet on the Westeren Front, Secrets of Street Survival Isreali Style.
Sparticus, Joan of Arc, my dad, Paul, and Mike Martin