DBW Ohio Streetteam profile picture

DBW Ohio Streetteam

About Me

"There’s something left to do, but the world already ended. The apocalypse already happened, and we’ll be dead by Wednesday.” ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++After seein these guys live then lookin more into the world of DBW, I saw that they were a band doing something fresh, and new. This band is definitly what the world needs Every aspect of Dead by Wednesday, from fast hardcore guitar riffs, pounding bass and drums, and almost hypnotizing yet ruthless vocals. DBW is spreading a message that must be heard, and with their style, it will be a message hard to ignore....The streetteam is now looking for more soldiers to help spread the word and message of Dead by Wednesday in your town and area.. (full links and stuff coming soon)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In this misguided millennium of red-state dominance, you'd think the concept would carry a bit more weight. But it doesn't. More and more parents need to work longer and harder hours to support their families, while more and more government officials get fatter and fatter, helping the economy more by hiring people to clean their houses, cars and criminal records, than affecting a change through legislation and reform. It's a vicious circle, and one that hard-core music has fought since its inception.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++E nter Dead By Wednesday, a Connecticut-based band of insurgents with ideals as radical as their music, and music radical enough to turn the extreme music scene on end. "Wake up, look what's going on around you!" says drummer Opus, whose former band, Gargantua Soul, was one of the Constitution State's top live draws for years. "People need to question themselves, question authority, and question their government." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Joined in Dead By Wednesday by his cousins — vocalists David and Ceschi Ramos, who transplanted from California to join the progressive hard-core outfit — and fellow local veterans Pat Garcia and Mike Modeste (bass), Opus finds himself at the core of a band that holds the future of hard-core metal in the palm of their hands. "It's old-school metal riffs, with new stuff, and mixed with a wild style, scatting, fast poetry and aggressive vocals. It's innovative hard-core," says the drummer, the outfit's primary songwriter. "A lot of bands today are starting to sound very similar, but we're mixing it up, experimental, with an improv style. We're going back to a time when bands weren't afraid to step out of the box, but still kept it hard-core." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It's when all those elements fuse, that Dead By Wednesday truly transcends their savage blend of hard-core intensity, metal efficiency, and cultural resiliency.For the people, by the people? We are the people, and Dead By Wednesday is our soundtrack... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Paul Gargano -Metal Edge Magazine

My Interests


Member Since: 24/07/2007
Band Website: dbwmusic.com
Band Members:
Ceschi & David Ramos~~Vocals
Joey Morbidelli~~Vocals/Screams
Mike Modeste~~Bass
Ross Ragusa~~Guitar

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Dead By Wednesday

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Record Label: Eclipse Records/Mindsnap Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

"THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS!!! Help get DBW onto Ozzfest 2009! and win shit!!!

"THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS!!! Help us gets onto Ozzfest 2009! We need all our fans (and anybody you can gather) to vote for us in an ozzfest poll on the Ozzfest website.We need you to register for an acc...
Posted by on Fri, 05 Dec 2008 21:52:00 GMT

Request DEAD BY WED. on a radio station near you! Read this & call NOW!!!

  Hey DBW fans!! Do you wanna' reach out & hear your favorite Dead By Wednesday song on a radio station nearest you? Well if so, here is the complete list & info for you to call. Some sta...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Dec 2008 16:22:00 GMT

Buy It Now Links for DBW’s New CD entitled "The Killing Project"!!!!!online now!!!!

Buy the brand new DEAD BY WEDNESDAY CD online here: Main buy link with cover art, and streaming preview for all tracks:http://www.eclipserecords.com/artist.php?do=a&aid =23&am=item&iid...
Posted by on Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:07:00 GMT

The Killing Project album cover and track listing!!!!

  http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewIma ge&friendID=217972644&albumID=414252&imageID=17792962   The track listing for THE KILLING PROJECT is as follows: 1.Pawns2.The K...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:28:00 GMT

Killing Project release date!!!!!!!!!!

DEAD BY WEDNESDAY set release date of 10/28 for new album------------------------------------------------------- ------------------July 24, 2008  DEAD BY WEDNESDAY, featuring former Gargantua Soul dru...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 15:01:00 GMT

NEW ALBUM!!!!! coming soon....

New Album "THE KILLING PROJECT" coming soon....   be sure to check out the march/april issue of Metal Edge to hear a new track off the album   Restitution Live
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 17:10:00 GMT

Columbus and Cincinatti Ohio shows review

Columbus was off the hook, got to the venue and met up with Soopa Dave and DBW, talked a bit, ate some sloppy joes and shit, soon after the show was on. DBW got a kinda early slot but rocked the shit ...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 21:42:00 GMT

Fan Pics and random shit

Anyone have pics with the DBW guys, or pics sportin DBW merch(cds, t-shirts, etc...) send em in and we'll post em on the site, keep showin the love and we'll show it right back
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 15:43:00 GMT

WANTED....DBW Soldiers

Hey people... The team is lookin for  more dedicated people out there to help spread the word of DBW, if your down and interested in doing something to help out, leave a message...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 08:46:00 GMT