iM dAt CraCk NoW CoMe geT yA Fix profile picture

iM dAt CraCk NoW CoMe geT yA Fix

Driving from south fl 2 jacksonville.......pricelessss

About Me

Te habla your bOi MiKey, ya tu sabes Q i love 2 go clubbin specially 2 spanish clubs ... iM Frm, QuEeNz NY!!!!! WeLl iM a Pretty strAight Foward pErSon i Like tO Tell iT how iT iS.....Pero The main thing i Would say thAt Sums Me Up iS That NoThIn LaSt 4eVeR So LiVe LiFe iN tHe Speed oF the moment and hold NoThIn BaCk.. bueno pues q mas puedp decir i LoVe 2 PaRtI, iTs WaT i Do BeSt...pero I also have my mind On StRaIgHt I Know what I Want To dO in Life and iN which DiReCtIoN Im headin