friends/family,phil dickian,gnosticism, Spending time with Karen,the bible,science fiction/fact,comics, working,tea,body modifications/tattoos/gynourmous earlobes.
Theres only room for one and she comes as she comes.
I have a huge metaphorical hard on for John Lennon!
Hayao Miyazaki and Richard Linklater make great movies!
I caught an episode of Star trek the next generation a few days ago while, i was visiting my dad.
DC's Kingdom Come, Identity Crisis, Arkham Asylum ( A serious house on serious earth) Batman: The killing joke, The Dark Knight Returns, The Invisibles,Watchmen, Sandman, The Filth, Dune, Vampire Hunter D, Philip K Dick(in small doses) Most Grant Morrison,Warren Ellis, Neil Gaiman,Paul Dini,Geoff Johns,Frank Miller, etc...
Hal Jordan. (Why accept substitutes?)