I have a classic Type B personality, except in my work life where I turn into about an A-. I'm not a very good dancer, and an even worse singer. This doesn't tend to stop me. I hate Stevie Nicks, even though her real name is Stephanie. I am an excellent parallel parker. I do not like cream cheese or being on airplanes. If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go to Dubai. If I am walking and there is a cat in front of me on the sidewalk, I absolutely cannot continue until I stop and pet it. I do not drink coffee or tea, but I drink too much Diet Coke. Morning radio DJs make me cranky. I used to be a nightowl, but now I fall asleep on the couch almost every night before 11pm. I love March Madness. My favorite animal is the fennec. I don't buy organic produce because I would rather have pesticides on my apples than bug larvae in them. I like being the big spoon. Baseball movies make me cry more than romantic ones. I am afraid of hippos and the dark. I blush at the drop of a hat. Nothing is funnier to me than a baby interacting with a cat. I love trivia contests. I didn't learn to crawl until after I learned to walk. I donate blood as often as I can, even though I get turned away a lot for low iron. I would give all I have to take a swing at Karl Rove. I am not very photogenic. I wish I was a better Guitar Hero player. I read The Economist and Us Weekly at the gym. My least favorite chore is doing the dishes. I miss my brother, and wish I could see him more. I have fainted twice in my life. I was first attracted to my fiance because of his story-telling ability. I have never dyed my hair in my life. I leave out "under God" when I say the Pledge of Allegiance. Every time I eat a candy bar or pass the sugar-free endcap at the grocery store, I get worried about my genetic predisposition to diabetes. I am very good at keeping secrets at work, and terrible at keeping secrets outside of work. I always look forward to my birthday. Naps are my favorite weekend activity. Anything else, just ask.
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