Ever been lied to? I have.
Ever been abused? I have.
Ever been lonely, depressed, suicidal? I have.
Ever been manipulated, cheated, betrayed, or even abandoned? I have.
Ever been drunk? On drugs? In fights? I have.
Ever been the lier, the abuser, the manipulator, the cheater, the traitor, the bully? I have.
Oh, yes, Friend, I have been there and done all these things.
But then, have you ever been physically or emotional healed by Jesus? I have. Ever had your family restored because of Jesus? I have. Ever had your entire life changed because of Jesus? I have. Have you ever just met JESUS? I have!
All’s I can say is: Be ready- cuz when you do… Life as you’ve known it, will NEVER be the same!
-God bless you.
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