I am a gentle artist, a poet, a songwriter/singer, and sometimes a little distorted. I'm in the Denver gothic industrial band called "The New Waveforms" by night and I am a 6th grade social studies teacher by day. I love to have the luck of living these two (very similar) lives. Teaching 6th graders is an amazing career since I get to be so near ingenuity and innocence all day. Kids are so pure and amazing. They are a huge ball of inspiration for me since they are so kind and wise. I also really like being in a band because the Denver music scene is also full of inspiring individuals that I feel blessed to have in my life and call my friends. :)I am originally from Oklahoma and I miss my olde home sometimes very much! My Okie friends are the truest people I will probably ever know. I moved to Colorado when I was 16 after my parents got divorced. I love Colorado soooooo much! It is a beautiful and powerful place. I love to garden here since the temperatures are so liveable and there are hardly any pests. My favorite flower is a daisy and I love to grow them in my garden. I also love to grow tomatoes, lettuce, strawberries, onions, beans, and many other beautiful plants. I love Spring and Summer since I am like a plant because I thrive in warm sunlight.I also really love to read. I probably read at least 50 pages a day of whatever book I am really into at the time.I love my husband sooooooo much! He is my best friend and my anchor. Without Rock I would be a lost and confused soul.That is all I have to say about me for now. If you want to learn more... be my friend in real life. :)
Layout by CoolChaser