About Me
Hey, how are you?
My name's David, but people call me Dave. And let it be known now, writing profiles isn't what I do! But I'm not doing those quizzes you put in here either, so you're gonna have to endure me waffling on.
I used to study at Sutton High Sports College for my GCSEs and A-Levels, but now I'm studying Computer Science at Manchester University. I've not actually started the course yet, but I hope it's good.
I'm St Helens at heart, let me tell you. I prefer Rugby League to football for starters. I've always liked Manchester, so that's why I'm staying here now!
See, I'm starting to run out of things to say here! I quite like music, all sorts actually. But I prefer the more experimental type. Rock, Electronic, Industrial, that sort of thing. but easy listening also...
I also appreciate good film, I hate those shit films which they make just for money, Mission Impossible 2 was quite enough thank you!
An undiscovered gem on TV, called [adult swim], is brilliant. I think it's a classic, it really is. I also like other stuff on TV too, but I'm not one to sit around and watch it all day!
I have many friends, and I appreciate that. There are a few bad grapes in the bunch, but heck that's gonna happen right? I'm classing Manchester as a fresh start! I'll still be keeping in contact though, no worries. =)
Currently single, but again no surprises there. That's actually my fault, no point in getting in a relationship just before Uni is there? Honestly!
Right I don't have a clue what else to add, comment me and my pics maybe? KTHXBYE =D