~Michelle~ profile picture


THe first duty of love is to listen.....and to actually pay attention.

About Me

passionate, outgoing, I love my pets, un-like anyone you have ever met. insane, beautifull, i live my life the way i want to. i could care less what other people think about me. i get along with everyone, but like very few eneough to call my friends. I am passionate in most everything i do, i try to find the good within everything and everyone. ( I sometimes have to look HARD) I go against the rules, I am a animal rights activist and environmentalist down to the heart and soul, I work 2 jobs, live with my dogs and my best friend and boyfriend of 4 our kids and our life, i love my mother and she is my best friend, my little brother yeah...he is ok too. I was born in Oakland but raised in Concord I am told i am a white washed Latina, i LOVE TRANCE AN HOUSE BEATZ, Most the time you will find me with my dogs Sophia ( my eternal friend and animal life mate) and Skylar ( our newest addition to the family), closing deals at work, commission, chillin on the porch with my folks on a hot summer night, the Ghetto that i call home, DUBz, Crystal, cocaine, Trance music, SUV's ( i miss mine ), spay and neuter clinics, make up, liquid eyeliner, Lowrider Magazine ( i will make it to be a cover girl for them I WILL) squrrils chikoo- chikoo-chikoo ( i love fuzz E nutz and RIP granny squrril), people that piss me off so i can growl at them, i LOVE PITTBULLS!!!***** ******
This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b
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My Interests

..ha ha ha,... oh wow here we go, ok i like Starbucks Coffee before work but will settle with caffino, Not hitting all the red lights, cats, OLD CATS especially, ugly animals like rats that are blind ( gotta love em) coming home and finding out the dogs did not eat my couch, waking up to my cats snuggeling, beaches, having a low minus tide at a decent time of the day, winning scratchers, a good day at the office, when i get to work and there is a message from my boyfrind for no reason at all to say that he is thinking of me, I do animal rescue and have been for 16 years it is my passion, I also am a retired exotic dancer i danced 2002-2005 Don't think i don't do the whole 9-5... cuz i do. During the week i work at a company providing healthcareserivices so if you need help give me a holla. we just bought a house in baypoint and will be moving in soon, I kinda watch over my neighbor's son he looks at me like his mother ( damn i feel OLD) we like going to castle rock hiking when it is not to hot, I LOVE PLAYIN POOL at a bar on a friday night ( even tho i am no good at it) i love tequlla and bbq on the weekends, I garden ( yes i do ) ok i admit i listen to COUNTRY music and enjoy it, i love sleep... i cherish what sleep i can get, i love craigslist and live by it ahh i do not know what life would be like without craigslist, i like energy pills, things that keep me awake to party, baby phat, a nice comfUUrtable pair of stilletos, new 9 inch dancing shoes, jeans and t- shirts, shrimp, beer oh yeah can't forget beer =) i like watching true crime documentarys they facinate me, i read books about serial killers and murderers, the strange things seem to facinate me, driving fast, camping i love the out doors, going to the derby in antioch hanging out on the couch with nothing to do and sippin a margarita with the ac on, my couch....i love it! seeing the flowers that i planted coming up and blooming.closing deals at work, commission, chillin on the porch with my folks on a hot summer night, the Ghetto that i call home, DUBz, Crystal, cocaine, Trance music, SUV's ( i miss mine ), spay and neuter clinics, make up, liquid eyeliner, Lowrider Magazine ( i will make it to be a cover girl for them I WILL) squrrils chikoo- chikoo-chikoo, people that piss me off so i can growl at them, i LOVE PITTBULLS!!!

I'd like to meet:

Down to earth real people, guys and girls, responsible bully owners, ( NO BREEDERS ANTI BREEDERS!!!) Nature loving respecting folks keeping it together with peace and harmony*

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b


i admitt i listen to country, I LOVE EMINEM!!!! rock, i am a trance bunny all the wayDJ Qucksilver, Fragma, Groovezone, DJ Mind X,


All dogs go to heaven, back to the future 2, LA confidential, The Crow, Meet the Feebles, Greg Araki film such as Nowhere and The Doom Generation, Film Festival Type Flicks and Cult Classics, Running Scared,


NCIS, ROCCOS MODERN LIFE, CSI, MSNBC INVESTIGATES ( mostly documentarys of serial killers or murdererz) Friends was cool when it was on,...forensic files, coroners documentarys, Malcolm, damn i like the gross stuff....


Well here goes,....my hero..........always has considerate advice when i am lost. Always without question or hesitation is there when none is. Actually cares about how things are in my life and how i feel. Is the voice of reason. Is the only one that really truly know what is going on....in our life. Belives in me, and does not point and pick at my faults. Understands that i am a person with feelings and emotions... and considers them when i am upset, and when i fuck up. i admire him and what he has overcome and made peace with,...moved forward in his life......got past. Never judged me or my home, life or anything. sang songs to me in the candle light. has been my friend thru every step and bump.......... thank you...M T M...luv u..gimme the ooo,...dame tha whooo... uh huhhhhuh =)

My Blog

~ 3 years today, since part of me died forever.

Three years ago today Mikie died, on his motercycle. I am in denial, i know this and have known it. I have not accepted his death, and hate him for dying on me. I feel numb inside. Three years ag...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Wed, 17 May 2006 05:04:00 PST

i quit my job.................

i quit.........i actually quit my job.
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 10:09:00 PST

listen to your heart.............

I still hear your voice, when you slept next to me.I still feel your touch in my dreams.Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why.Without you it's hard to survive.Cause everytime we touched, I got ...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 04:18:00 PST

Remodel of house... and life....

my house is getting a makeover. new counter new bathroom and new wooden floors. yay. My relationship is killing me. Geo cheated on me. didn't sleep with the bitch, but as i said you don't need to fuck...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 01:20:00 PST


I am so excited,...no really! I am driving up to Wa. to see Jenny!!!!   Even better news is that after  5 years, and thru the greatness of ~MY SPACE~ We have found our long lost friends...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Sun, 11 Dec 2005 09:53:00 PST


as i said in the title fuck the holidays. I hate them. My best frind and the only soul that i consider family is 700 miles away. I would spend it with my man,....can i call him that? ( our relationshi...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 03:16:00 PST

damn,..... whats happened to me???

so i get this message today.......... ----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------Date: Sep 23, 2005 1:58 PM I'M DAMN NEAR ALL ALONE IN MY FUCKING OFFICE!!!! so our recptionist calls in sick ...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Sat, 24 Sep 2005 06:40:00 PST

~~~~ Stop touching there, YES IT HURTS!!!

so i wake up and can barley move, i have somehow managed to cripple myself. My back is apperently "twweked and needs to be put back in place" Pain, pain and oh yeah more pain.... i was told to take t...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 12:18:00 PST


So my boss pulled me into a meeting today... after a whole appriciation meeting and him making me feel like i am THE BEST EVER!! The two owners hand me my paycheck along with a- we- appriciate- your d...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Fri, 02 Sep 2005 06:55:00 PST


hmm Ash you lived there? I STILL LIVE THERE!!!!! augh,... and to think i sleep with my door open at night...... wow. maybe it is time to move to a better ghetto............scary now i know why my boss...
Posted by ~Michelle~ on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 11:07:00 PST