sleeping, eating, playing, my chair, shoelaces, grocery bags, fingers, bare feet and pretty nuch anything that wiggles
I'm not judgemental, I'll play with anyone!
I like to listen to music with my Mommy. She never turns it off. Her favorite band is The Red Hot Chili Peppers... so much so that she named me after one of them!
I haven't watched many movies yet, but I like the ones with kitties in them. Mommy and Daddy laugh when I try to play with them on the TV.
My Mommy has WebTv, so she does all her internet stuff on the TV and I LOVE to try to get that little arrow thingy when it moves all over the screen... I'll catch it yet!
I love to curl up on a good book, especially when my Mommy is trying to read it.
Uncle Mark and Aunt Shasta because they saved me and gave me to my Mommy and Daddy.