Paranormal Unity
. If you agree, then it is
as simple as adding this banner to your page and
requesting us as a friend. Keep in mind that
once I get a friend request I will review your page
looking for the banner, your request will not be
approved if the banner is not present.
Now this may sound petty to some but in my
opinion it is just a small step inbeing unified.
By adding the banner you are telling everyone
that you too believe that we all need to come
together for the same cause. You are saying I
believe what you believe, I will assist you anyway
I can. I will help you anyway I can. In short,
"Coming Together as One".
Soon I will be putting up a website which will
primarily be a place of reference. I will list all of
you that have joined the cause, by state. My
thoughts behind this is, let's say you or your
group received an investigation request, 1)It was
in another state too far for you to travel to,
2)It was in your area but for one reason or
another you could not do it. Well, go to the
website look at the State the request was for and
then you can forward it to another fellow
Paranormal Unity member. That is Unity.
That is just one example of how we can all work
together as one. There are many more.
So again, if this is something you believe in, just
add the banner below, request us as a friend
and you will be a part of one big happy family.
Just that simple.
Thank you for being United,
Paranormal Unity