the people who say it the best
*deep breath* i saw a modest mouse and the mountain goats standing beside a radio with guts they are a dillinger four but i turned to page ninety nine and there was ugly casanova savoring a blind melon its sacred black mold charms jude the obscure and his mindless self indulgence is just part of a quarter-life crises jack johnson damien rice and finley quaye will blush to being weakerthan fifteen fembots...i cant keep this up jawbreaker, crimpshhrine, circle takes the square, smoke city, green day, yes i said green day, pinhead gunpowder, pedro the lion, lovage, mogwai, aesop rock, ed gein, ani difranco,built to spill, converge, mr. bungle...
tapeheads, edward scissor hands, weekend at bernies, monty python and the holy grail, life is beautiful. anything containing john cusack, drop dead fred, who framed roger rabbit?, naked lunch,...
south park, daily show, simpsons, aqua teen hunger force, family guy, witch hunter robin, golden girls, ren and stimpy,...
filth by irvine welsh. pulp by bukowski. free to be human by eugene kennedy. jailbird, mothernight, player piano by kurt vonnegut. jude the obscure by thomas hardy. emma by howard zinn. johnny the homicidal maniac. boondocks.