I strongly believe in God and if you don't then I have to wonder why.
I am currently a student making her way into the world. And trying to figure out a way to make a living that doesn't tie me down in one spot for the rest of my life, something interesting. What do I actually do, you might ask? Well, pretty much anything that pops into my head. Books, music, drawing (although I'm pretty crap at the drawing), comics, anything. Dream big or go home! Got any ideas you would love to do but just can't find the time? Drop me a line and I'll fulfill your dreams for you! Or not, but hey...ya never know.
I am offensive, politely and with a smile. I love other polite people, there aren't enough in the world.
I hate it when people spell "cool", "kool". Or just can't seem to type properly at all. It's the equivalent of talking to a drunk person, only without facial expressions, and so a lot less comprehensible.
I'm one of those people that will probably be able to quote something back to anything you say. Lyrics from a song, quote from a movie, whatever, if you say something that is even slightly like something that I've heard or seen, I will be laughing at it in my head. Around close friends I will always SAY the quote. Half the time they're obscure song lyrics or movie quotes that I've dredged up from who knows where, buuuuut the other half are a compilation of How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, Monty Python, Supertroopers, Wedding Crashers, or 10 Things I Hate About You references.
If you haven't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, please, please, PLEASE watch it. It's fantastic. Seriously.
I love doing random stuff. If someone suggests that we do something, they may be kidding, but I'll immediately want to go do it. I am a huge fan of sports, for viewing it's gotta be football or UFC or maybe hockey, but for playing? I love skiing, fencing, swimming, pickup games of basketball, biking, playing tag, lasertag, airsoft, paintball, having water wars, all the "stupid" stuff you used to do as a kid but for some reason deem as uncool now. Gimme a break people, running around outside shooting people with water? It's fantastic! Why would anyone stop doing it? Just because it's what we did as kids doesn't mean we can't still do it. Silly grownups.