ALVE ANNE xp profile picture


layf sux big tym!!!

About Me

***i am anorexic! (feeling!!)***i got my bangs!! ***i cant stand electric fans***i cud survive wid BREAD ol day[pandesal beybee!]***i lab Del Monte Tomato Ketchup!!! ***i write! (a lot! but i kip it to myself!)***i love my baOn! (+kaching+)***graduate nakog studbelts&one-sided hair! ***i want to go bak to ILIGAN !!!***hmf! leave me alOne if u got nothin to say!! HAL!!!!***

i guess there's just a point in my life where i just have to accept that not everything i wished or hoped for will come true. a time when i just have to gather up the courage to let go and just intrust everything to God, knowing He wont allow me to be in pain for the sake of hurting but for the sake of learning. One day, i will truly understand taht God knows me more than i know myself, that even when i feel ALONE and MISUNDERSTOOD, and even sometimes UNLOVED and USED, there's still someone who knows all my flaws yet LOVES me unconditionally like no human can...

My Interests

food. music. friends. text. words. sunsets. isaw. bands. DEFNET!. part. emotions. poetry. photos. my fone. my rum. frndstr. mS. piyaya. arsonists. gigs. ukay2x. checkered. stripes. journal. thoughts. stars. fullmoon. double choclit shake. pizza.

I'd like to meet:

my white rOse!!!unsai tuyo?! tayp dras ubos part!.. ..layf sux big taym..


a certifayd SOAP OPERAS adik! =]

My Blog will kip us alive..*part*

I was standing All alone against the world outside You were searching For a place to hide Lost and lonely Now you've given me the will to survive When we're will keep us alive Don't yo...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:13:00 PST

..take ashley on sepia..

Take Me Here i go into a different light coz i know its not too late to show you how, show you how it's done. You had my heart from the start I know it's not too late to tell you ...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 03:10:00 PST


for years, i laugh, i cried, and cried sum more. then i laughed at myself. worked hard. played harder and slept a lot in between. ive gone insane and back to abnormality. ivebeen at my best, though us...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Thu, 31 May 2007 06:42:00 PST enrOlled! finally!!!! =]]

 weeee! i congratulate myself for having been enrolled dis afternoon! i maed it in just one day!! oohh yeahhh! big cheers for me then!  oh well, anoder skul yir means anoder yir of struggle!...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Thu, 24 May 2007 02:42:00 PST

..weee! summer iskuling paynals!!!!..

weeee! finals na more day left. so thankful i olredi had my grade! and i start enrolling olredi.. yahuuu!!! saturdays near..and off i go to ******!!!!! ohh yeahh! God bless me in my exams!! r...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:31:00 PST

..and off dey go to cebu sh*tty widawt ME!!

huhuhu. i hate dis summer iskuling!!!! sucks!!! la ko kauban ug cebu! atei..huhuhu..and ive been sacrificing things becoz of dis damn summer classes! as if dis is helping me!! eeerrrr!! i am juzt sooo...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Sun, 20 May 2007 05:28:00 PST

.the other side of the story..

hmf. i lost my last blog becuz of sum stupid network error..eerrr.dat was along u know! *discouraged* well anyweis. been busy wid my summer iskuling. tho it suck! i had no choice! dis is my desti...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:58:00 PST

.wish u wud change ur mind. *25*

ur still my first and last thought everyday. u were never out of my system. especially now dat im missin u so badly. i know things are not d same as before. ive made mistakes. and up to now. regrets a...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 04:33:00 PST jeLL-O..

i miss U sO mUch be! i jUz wanna be wid U nOw. huhuhu. dOnt ever give Up On Us be. i lOve U sOOO mUch. jUs hOld On. we wiLL be tOgeder. fOrever be! mwah mwah mwah! ayhartyU bebe jeLL-O! ...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 02:07:00 PST

..sOOO tired..

kapoy kau mgOvernyt bei. as in jUd. mUra man qg kahilantanOn aning kalakiha. hahai. nganUng nienter. wew.! prO ge lang, nalingaw man sad kO, minaw Ug mga mUsic. *tnx k kUya diG* weeee! i riLy wanna ...
Posted by xbyang2x :: behold!! im emily avenger! wOot! =] on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 02:01:00 PST