Hey everyone, welcome. After many months and others trying to get me to start a myspace page, well I finally decided it was time. What you will see here and read here is what I am all about, this page will be devoted to the performing aspect of who I am. Don't be fooled in what you see, I am a man, I was born a man, and will die a man, but I have chosen the art of Female Impersonation as the entertainment part of my life. I feel that this art is just that, ART, I only put on the make up and outfits in order to entertain, once the show is over and my night is done, all of the makeup comes off and the outfits are put away, and I go on living my life as I really am. I have a loving partner, his name is Robert, he met me as Miss Kitty, and wanted to date me anyway...lol....that means the world to me, I love you baby....Jaycen, my dear friend, thanks for all the work you have done for me and for being who you are, your the greatest. And as for Skip, what can I say.....Thank you for bringing me back out on the stage and allowing me to be who I am, you have become very dear to me, and you will always have a place in my heart. As you visit this page, I hope you enjoy what you see and read, you never know what you will come across. Miss Kitty
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