Rudy Kronfuss profile picture

Rudy Kronfuss

About Me

Rudy Kronfusswas born in Vienna/ Austria as the second child of a very musical family. Raised with a certain classical music background he started playing the guitar at age 13 and formed his own band when he was 17.Since his teenage days he loved composing music while using his band as a musical testing ground. In his early twenties a few of his songs had received airplay at the main Austrian radio station.When touring Holland with a group called "NOSTRADAMUS" in 1974 he decided to stay in the Netherlands. Starting with the jazz/ rockband "FONTEIN" his musical interest expanded to traditional jazz and modern fusion. Then he also joined the Bigband "LAST MOMENT". In 1984 he successfully completed his six years study of the jazz guitar at the Royal Conservatory in the Hague.Since then he continues to teach at the Central Music School of Hilversum/ Holland called GLOBE. During this period he performed in and wrote for his own bands ( "THE ELECTRIC GUITAR CORPORATION ", "THE TOUCH" ). The highlights then were jazz festivals and radio appearances in the Netherlands. England, Spain and Germany.In the late eighties he was involved in a few projects with film music, wrote for saxophone quartets and also chose to continue his studies. 1994 was the year when he received his degree of composition/ arrangement at the Conservatory of Rotterdam under the guidance of Bob Brookmeyer. Because of his influence he developed to create connections between the so called classical jazz and contemporary styles - which can be heard especially in his compositions for Bigband.In 1998 he contributed the music for a Dutch musical about L.J. COSTER and has been quite active in the field of producing as well. He won the first prize in the annual big band composition competition in Austria in 2003. Rudy is well known as an expert on Jimi Hendrix. He still plays the music and tries to restore unfinished work of this great guitartist. One can hear a lot of music on Rudy,s homepage:

My Interests


Member Since: 23/07/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Rudy kronfuss guit/voc Anders Bouwer bass Bouke Bijlsma drums/voc
Influences: Jimi Hendrix, Allan Holdsworth, Bob Brookmeyer and all good music
Sounds Like: a tiny modern Jimi Hendrix
Record Label: Sirion music
Type of Label: Indie

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