nilay taspulat profile picture

nilay taspulat

About Me

Nilay Taspulat was born in 1981, in Izmir. She entered Anadolu University State Conservatoire in 1993, where she studied flute with Saki Saril and Ozlem Kocyigit. She graduated with high honours in 2003. Taspulat participated in the master-classes of Gulsen Tatu, Vieri Bottazini and Panagiotis Dragos. In 2000, she was invited with her chamber group to perform at the International Music Festival in Belford, France. In 2003 she appeared as a soloist at a concert together with the American tuba player Marty Erickson at the Music Festival in Kalavrita, Greece. Nilay Taspulat obtained the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Licentiate (LRSM) with distinction in 2004. She was accepted to the World of Winds in 2006. As a member of the orchestra, she performed at important music festivals in Norway and Germany with conductor – soloist Christian Lindberg and Ole Edvard Antonsen. She holds the post of flautist in the Anadolu University Symphony Orchestra since 2005.

1981 yilinda izmir ' de dogdu. 1993 yilinda Anadolu Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvari'nda flüt egitimine Saki Saril ve Özlem Koçyigit ile basladi. 2003 yilinda yüksek onur ögrencisi olarak mezun oldu. Gülsen Tatu, Vieri Bottazini, Panagiotis Dragos'un ustalik siniflarina katildi. 2000 yilinda Fransa Belford ' ta düzenlenen Müzik Festivali'ne oda müzigi grubuyla davet edildi. 2003'te Yunanistan Kalavrita'daki Müzik Festivali'nde Amerikali tuba sanatçisi Marty Erickson ile solist olarak sahne aldi. 2004 yilinda ingiliz Kraliyet Müzik Akademisi diploma sinavindan en üst seviye olan takdiri aldi. 2006'da Dünya Nefesliler Orkestrasina kabul edildi. Christian Linberg ve Ole Edvard Antonsen ile çalisma firsati buldu ve bu orkestrayla norveç ve almanya'da konserler verdi. 2005 yilindan itibaren Anadolu Üniversitesi Senfoni Orkestrasi'nda Flüt Sanatçisi olarak görev almaktadir.

My Interests


Member Since: 23/07/2007
Record Label: Unsigned