Born in Sweden, on June 28:th 1983. Lived with his mother for a year and half, before her drug-problems got the best of her. He was then taken in by his grandparents who raised him as their own. He was brought up and still lives in the Stockholm suburb Haninge.He started to listen to rap quite early and used to memorize the lyrics. But the first element that he started to use frequntly was graffiti. In the 8:th grade he started to write lyrics and in the ninth grade he performed for the first time in his school. He went on to record some tracks in youth centers and some at home and in the schools music room.In 2000 he met up with Memo and Phif-T (Phiffan) who later came to call themselves Twiice. They collaborated on a few tracks and also got together with Medinas Sam-E and did two tracks together. He has appeared in a couple of freestyle contests but mostly he just did sessions with his friends Twiice, Johnny Diamond (Lil John) and Toffer. Lately he has worked with Tim Weedon and Lajo of The Modern Soul Academy, where he teaches courses in hiphop/rap/freestyle. KiKo and his producer/collegue Arild Oderman (SDP) has taken over the courses and are now running the 4elements HipHop Center together.He recorded a album and a mixtape in the 4elements-studio in Farstas Youthcenter "Tuben". Also look out for his crew PSV's mixtapes.His latest project is "KiWi", which is a group formed by and containing himself and the prominent rapper Muwi. The name "KiWi" comes from thier tags Ki from KiKo and Wi from MuWi and forms KiWi. Be on the look out for the Kiwi-mixtape and also there will be a couple of KiWi tracks on the new MSA-mixtape so keeps your eyes and ears open. "Poetry, Philosophy and Me", my new album, is all but finished, holla at me if U're interrested in a copy.MC KiKo Performed in the 21:th Summerjam in Cologne, Germany. This was part of a project called Roots n Routes. Were he and some of colleges from Swedens MSA met up with other talents from all over Europe.Other performances has been at last summers Hoodsfred in Alby and at the 08-festival on the big stage in Kungsträdgården amongst others. He's done alot of smaller gigs like any other struggling artist, but he likes to give back to the youth that support him.Currently he is working on a Lovesong album. Be on the look-out for it..