concerts***photography***drinks with friends***acting like I've lost my mind with my sister***camping***pajamas***listening to music***driving***listening to music while driving***eating cookie dough***being in nature***school***listening***thinking***making the most out of any situation***watching my godson's personalities bloom(i have 2 of them)***coffee***champagne***my blue-but-soon-to-be-teal-when-i-paint-it-myself cruiser***pb&j on toast, not the sandwich***black olives***ale***my squeeky guinea pigs***sociology***........
What infamous serial killer are you?
Ted Bundy
You attacked while women walked in parks, who were found later to have been raped and strangled to death, but sometimes you went so far as breaking into their houses as they slept and beating them to death with a crow bar. After being caught, you escaped and killed 3 more people. You were executed.
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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.I have no idea how I got Ted Bundy....
*~people who don't fucking douchbags, no cunts, and no idiots. if you fall into this catagory, throw yourself into a fucking's for your own good
*~john stewart (the secret love of my life 3)~*
GOOD metal, GOOD underground hip-hop, GOOD classic rock n' roll~~~basically anything but country or bubblegum pop.
My all-time-favorite-I-can-watch-this-every-day-and-still-not-g et-sick-of-it movie is Ferris Buller's Day Off. Other than that, I won't sit here and list every movie I've ever liked because 1.) I don't feel like it 2.) I like way too many to even begin to answer that 3.) I think you should send me a message if you have any questions. Don't be lazy. This is how conversations begin.
I'm absolutley addicted to Law & Order SVU, South Park, The Simpsons,The Daily Show, Futurama, and that's about it. I don't have time for T.V. and even if I did I still wouldn't watch it because the majority of what's on T.V. nowadays is all CRAP!!!
White Oleander, Fast Food America, Kiss My Tiara, The Bitch Posse, The Lovely Bones.....
My mother is my hero. I admire anyone who believes that furthering their education at any age is a good idea and people who do things their way and live life to their own standards and no one elses.