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I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 25, 5'11", 160.., brownish/blonde hair, and hazel eyes. I'm also gay and very into supporting and fighting for gay rights. I am into volunteer work and I have en extensive history in that arena. Hmmm....I hate writing about me, I never know what to Oh, I also love the outdoors. If I was to list off the things most important to my existence it would have to be:
1. Family and friends.
2. My education, passion for learning, and desire for new experiences.
3. Volunteer work.
Okay, I had more for this list, but it drifted off so maybe later I can finish
From my Facebook profile:
"I love the outdoors. My activities have been very restrained since my brain tumor in 2006 and I am still doing things to change my life and get it on the right track. I have been trying to workout and lose a little of the weight I gained and get into better shape so I like walks and working out at home. Um...reading, vids, movies, cooking, eating, dive
I love reading, meeting people, the outdoors... I also enjoy trying new things and social settings. I really enjoy public events and parties. I LOVE to learn.
I like lots of music...I'm a little out of the scene though. I own 200-300 CDs from pop and rock to punk and techno. It all depends on my mood.
I don't watch TV unless it is a series on DVD. I like Sex in the City, Family Guy, Simpsons, South Park, and Nip/Tuck.
I watch so many movies, but I love Milla Jovovich, Angelina Jolie, vampire movies, anime, horror movies, foreign films, some gay movies, independents...lots of movies do I Actually I used to work at a video store many moons ago and my brother did for quite awhile too.
I have a major variety of tastes as far as books. Love Anne Rice, Christopher Rice, murder and forensics case studies, psych books, SciFi's, and a couple of my favorites was "Travelling Light" and "Prayers For Bobby"...oh, and I liked Jane Yolen as a kid and she is still a personal fav.
My life has been pretty crazy over the last year. Almost died, brain tumor and stuff, I lost a very close loved one, got engaged, moved to Minneapolis, we broke up, he's moving out, I'm trying to find a new job... I'm trying to get my head to stop spinning...
"I am only one. But still, I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." - Edward Everett Hale
For those that are really wondering, as far as guys go, I need someone who puts effort into getting to know me and win me over, if you can get me to at least go on an official date then I'll be fully open and put myself fully out there, but I am sick of being hurt. I give of myself fully and truly and I expect the same. I also want someone who wants kids and likes the idea of adopting two or three kids, siblings, so they don't get split up. Which leads me to my next thing, he must be charitable of the heart and actions and be proud and more attracted to me when I do those things. Family must be important to him and he should be around my age, but I will make exceptions if one proves themself. I want a real wedding someday down the road...when the time is right, there isn't a rush. I want to go to school and follow my dreams and I need someone who will nourish my dreams while sharing and pursuing theirs. I would prefer a Libra, we just get along the best. I want someone who is spiritual and open-minded of others' belief systems. I don't care what your faith is, just have one and respect others. I want a man who cuddles and is physically expressive. I want passionate sex and I want there to be an open-mindedness there as well, we should be able to talk about anything and not worry about judgement, nor feel obligated to do something because the other likes the idea of it, but definitely no icky stuff...k? LOL... I want respect, love, loyalty, unity, communication, someone who I can laugh with and who has a sense of humor... All of these things I look for are what I am willing to give in return. I don't want hookups or "fun" as some people label it as if it makes it any different. As of June '08, I just got out of a serious relationship that meant a lot to me, so it is going to take me time, but I just wanted to set the record straight for everyone (so to speak) and I also would really like to thank anyone who actually took the time to read this, that is really cool of you and means a lot also. Chemistry and attraction to one another is important, but so are all of these things, at least to me and they'll have to be to that man that I want a future with, that person that no matter our health, illness, financial situation, etc. we have and can lean on one another. Ok...sorry...totally done now. I just don't want anyone out there thinking that I am some %#&@$! just because I am gay or that I am looking for some rebound "fun" because I have been recently made single. SO this is all me and in what my interests lie. If you think this is you or you can respect someone who feels this way and thinks like this, msg me and let's be friends, otherwise, please move along. -Jay"
You Have a Choleric Temperament
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.
Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.
You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.
You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.
Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.
You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.
At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.
Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.
A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior. What Temperment Are You?
You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.
An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.
Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?
You Are Wind
Strong and overpowering
A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you
You have the power to change everything around you
You are best known for: your wrath
Your dominant state: commanding What Type of Weather Are You?
Take this quiz at
Your Inner Child Is Surprised
You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things. How Is Your Inner Child?
You Are 27 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
I figured that I would throw in some of the more "naughty" or hard to ask me about things in
Your Personality Is Like Cocaine
You're dynamic, brilliant, and alluring to those who don't know you.
Hyper and full of energy, you're usually the last one to leave a party.
Sometimes your sharp mind gets the better of you... you're a bit paranoid! What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
You Are 28% Pure
You've either done it, thought about it, or at least heard about it.
Luckily, there's a few things left for you to try! How Pure Are You?
You Are 100% Open Minded
You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself. How Open Minded Are You?
Your Deadly Sins
Envy: 80%
Gluttony: 80%
Lust: 60%
Pride: 60%
Sloth: 60%
Greed: 40%
Wrath: 40%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 60%
You will die a boring death. While dying, you will be jealous of those who die dramatic deaths. How Sinful Are You?
Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover
You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires.
And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek.
You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships.
It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is. What Is Your Seduction Style?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm just looking to make friends and find "intellectual hook-ups." As far as dating I'm not really looking right now.

Your Heart Is Green
Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out.
When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life.

Your flirting style: Laid back

Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking

Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm

What you bring to relationships: Balance What Color Heart Do You Have?
I've been thinking about things lately. Conversations have come up about types and things you notice in a guy and every one of my friends always gives me crap about having no set pattern. After some self-reflection, I have determined that I do have a pattern when you look at the guys I was really into. Here are some of the characteristics:

*Smaller than me. I like shorter guys.
*Bites their tongue when smiling.
*Laughs a lot.
*Laid back but driven in their lives.
*They always have some noticeable flaw that I find totally sexy. A crooked tooth in an otherwise perfect smile, a scar above their eye, etc.
*Darker skin/hair/eyes. Eyes are important to me.

I mean, not all of them have all of these, but they generally have most of them. It's weird, but the smile thing has been really a big one. All of the guys I've been really into had something about their smile that stands out.

I really believe that when the right guy comes along I won't be able to see it right away. I always pictured myself dating the guy that rear-ended my car or spilled something on me or we crashed into one another turning a Totally chick flick, but yeah. Anyway, enough of this...

My Blog

Your Five Variable Love Profile for Monogamy:Your propensity for monogamy is high.You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person.And in return, you expect the same...
Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 12:28:00 GMT

drummer boy nico Hey, everybody check this out. My little 12 y/o buddy (I'm not a pedophile, his mom and I are tight) Nico is doing this with wooden dowels. Giv...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 19:30:00 GMT

I can't believe this came out of my mouth...

...normal is a term we use like telling children there are no monsters until they realize at a certain age there are, they just didn't understand what a "hitler" or "stalin" was.Is that not poetic a...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:38:00 GMT

Hey Again Number Three

Ok, so you have talent and I think that you have some potential in writing.  Not everyone can put there thoughts and feelings into written words.  I by no means know evertything, nor am I an expert po...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 14:08:00 GMT

For Number Three, Yes Ryan, That Is You!

Someday, when someone reads this, will they see Love as a 3 dimensional force and NOT mistake it for the words of a greeting card?The Quixotic DreamerJay KovachCompleted for now as of 03-05-09 and bei...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 21:16:00 GMT


I just want to bask in this song for a moment: Spotlight shining brightlyon my faceI can't see a thingand yet i feel you looking my wayEmpty stageWith nothing but this girlWho's singing this ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Dec 2008 01:40:00 GMT

11:26:08:1803 anxiety attacks are back.  I had them continously throughout the day.  One started and it rolled in to another one, on top of that I was still in pain from yesterday.  Tried to ...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Nov 2008 00:07:00 GMT

Saw this in an old it...

Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 00:26:00 GMT


Ok, so I found a new song that I totally, TOTALLY love!  I was all about it and had now idea what it was, I was running Gemma and Shawn to doctor appointments all day too so I didn't get to check...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Nov 2008 00:19:00 GMT


Use Somebody, gotta find the artist name for this song.  It was really...  Kings of Leon, I caught it just now as it flashed on the TV.  NewNowNext is on Logo.  Why did I have to w...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 06:59:00 GMT