The name is Sean.
I am 16 fucking years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
music is my life.
I fall for people too easily.
When I do fall for certain people sometimes I don't think about what I do around them and it's usually the ones I like the most that drift away.
I try to live life to the fullest I'm human, I fuck up sometimes I don't live it to it's full potential.
I have great friends that I care about.
My friends mean the world to me.
There are only 4 people I trust completely with my life.
Annie, Kristin, Liz, and Kim.
relationships are weird for me now idk. its soooo weird.
I am a msuician who focuses mainly in the acoustic/folk/punk genre.
A new inspiration of mine is Bob Marley.
Until recently I looked at him as one of those if you were high he's an awesome guy.
Listen to him and his words, they are truly more than that.
I hear these words usualy screamed at me and I quote, "YOU'RE NOT GONNA LOSE ME!!!!!" About that, so many people fall out of your life and it sucks. My biggest fear is losing people. I hate it. I fyou hear me say those words to you, you will know that you mean the world to me.
When it comes to realtionships like to take risks. I hate when people get scred to ruin a firnedship because of a relationship.
For me I try to live life by these sentences:
If you truly want something then don't be afraid to fuck up. You will stumble along the way and that's how it goes. Nothing is just given to you, it must be earned so like I said before DO NOT BE AFRAID TO FUCK UP!!!!!
I believe that everything worth having takes mistakes to be made.