I was devised and built by the secret underground organisation known as SPECTOR in 1966, initially as a doppelganger for Bobby Kennedy as they were worried about his safety following his brother's assassination. However, following infiltration of the organisation by Joseph "Joe Bananas" Bonanno, Kennedy was left to his own devices and I was left on the scrap heap. Luckily, during the making of the 1973 film Westworld, I was discovered by Michael Crichton in a storeroom at Burbank Studios and re-activated for a brief while as Yul Brynner. When the film wrapped, I managed to escape Crichton's evil clutch and boarded the QEII as Alan Calliou (star of Magnum PI and also as Jason Flood in TV's Tarzan). Unfortunately, on the voyage I found myself too close to the QEII's secret nuclear reactor and this resulted in my losing many special abilities. Once in the UK, I made my way to Medway in an effort to track down a fellow SPECTOR-ite who was now going under the name of Wild Billy Childish. I traced Billy to a Chatham venue known as the MIC (Medway Indian Club) where he was performing with his band the Milkshakes. That same evening I met 1964 Olympic walking silver medallist Paul Nihill (another product of SPECTOR) and he invited me to settle in Rochester under the name Robert Flood and take up a role at a local avionics company where he said it was possible I could be repaired. Four years spent in the sub-level 7 weapons lab did result in the return of my laser firing eyes but I couldn't refine the firing mechanism - sorry to the families of all the girls I went out with 1984-86 - and I don't do it anymore as it tends to "really upset people".
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Chuffer DandridgeTAPETHERADIO The Prisoners playing Melanie on French TV in the mid 80's.//tapetheradio//