51Music (8/21/2008 8:06:29 PM): ok...intro
NPH (8/21/2008 8:06:31 PM): yeah
51Music (8/21/2008 8:07:03 PM): TOO LOUD!
NPH (8/21/2008 8:07:06 PM): haha yes
NPH (8/21/2008 8:07:09 PM): way too loud
51Music (8/21/2008 8:07:47 PM): back to where they were
51Music (8/21/2008 8:08:12 PM): FUK
51Music (8/21/2008 8:08:12 PM): ingram
NPH (8/21/2008 8:08:18 PM): haha
NPH (8/21/2008 8:08:47 PM): perfect
NPH (8/21/2008 8:08:57 PM): the very last thing in this song.. boost "Weird FX Sweep".. it plays one thing at 2:44 and thats it.
NPH (8/21/2008 8:09:13 PM): ok
51Music (8/21/2008 8:09:20 PM): got it
51Music (8/21/2008 8:09:25 PM): what about it?
NPH (8/21/2008 8:09:44 PM): boost it 6db to start.. then we'll pull back on it
NPH (8/21/2008 8:09:51 PM): we couldnt hear it at all previously
51Music (8/21/2008 8:10:18 PM): good?
NPH (8/21/2008 8:10:21 PM): perfect
NPH (8/21/2008 8:10:22 PM): done