First And For most THIS IS A FAN PAGE/PROMOTIONS FOR JESSE AND HE DOES NOT RUN THIS PAGE HE HAS CONSENT AND COMMENTS AND MESSAGES THIS PAGE REGULARLY & i would like to say My name is Lana and i Have Created This Fan Page For a very Kind hearted Human being not only a musician But As a friend of many Jesse Has touched so Many Hearts With his Music his Kindness and love for all, so everyone i hope you enjoy this Fan page
and as Jesse would say Have a Gooooooooood Day muuaahhhhhhhSome people are born with the hand of destiny pushing them from behind rather than pointing out the way. Jesse was shoved into the world with both hands, making a great and joyous “cry unto the Lord†and he has never quieted down.Jesse got his first taste of the limelight at a hometown pizza parlor one family karaoke night. He sang Elvis’ “I Ain’t Nothin’ But a Hound Dog†and brought the house to its feet. On top of the enthusiastic applause, he was treated to a big hug and kiss from the beautiful, blonde DeeJay. He was 5 years old. His career was launched.His mother and father wanted him and his brother, Joel, 2 years older, to have an education that emphasized the arts, creativity, and free thinking, so their children began their schooling in Waldorf and alternative public education.As Jesse got older and father wanted him and his brother, Joel, 2 years older, to have an education that emphasized the arts, creativity, and free thinking, so their children began their schooling in Waldorf and alternative public education.As Jesse got older and home life became tense (resulting in a difficult divorce and his father abandoning the family) he left school and took his first steps toward his destiny, daring to let his light and talent shine. Olympia, Washington, where he was born and raised, was a small town, and he was torn between leaving his friends and family behind or going to the entertainment mecca, Los Angeles, California.He made surprising headway in Olympia, but when his best friend, Travis, died in a tragic car accident, something in Jesse was challenged to take the risk of living each day to the fullest, facing down his fear of the unknown and embracing the energy he felt pushing him to write and perform. He feels Travis still gives him the courage to believe in himself and his dreams every day.Jesse soon found that it is true what they say… when one door closes, another opens. It wasn’t long before all the doors began opening. He found himself in L.A., with mentors in the industry who saw his talent, drive, and good heart. Aaron Rosenburg, in particular, an entertainment lawyer, spurred Jesse on to practice his writing and rapping which Jesse did whole heartedly. Jesse also began developing his presence on My Space, where his music and personal touch has captured the hearts of thousands of fans.Aaron, watching Jesse mature in his music and performance abilities, knew the time was ripe last year to introduce Jesse to Lou Pearlman, the music industry’s “mega mogul manager†of new, young talent (such as the Back Street Boys, N Sync, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, etc.) and within days of their meeting in L.A., Jesse was calling his mother from Mr. Pearlman’s private jet, flying toward Orlando, Fla. and the fast track toward fame. Lou had a proven formula for making stars, and though Jesse was grateful and knew he was very lucky, he also realized that he was going to have to make some concessions in order to fit into a mold that seemed to be too tight a fit.However, unbeknownst to Jesse, Lou was about to enter a dark phase in his corporate life that would entail him fleeing the country, leaving a crowd of angry debtors shaking their fists at him, and an even bigger crowd of lawyers standing in line behind them.Destiny had closed a big door with a definite slam. And, yes, another one opened. Jesse was then free to form a new alliance with his current managers, Josh Perrotta and David Rolfe, who both share Jesse’s vision and core beliefs and wish to support him in being all that he is and can be, without the limitations of “mega mogul marketing.â€Jesse does not have just one audience… his appeal crosses the usual boundaries one finds inherent in the music business. Whether in hometown Olympia or on the international stage, he has always extended his heart to all people, of all ages, of all races, and all religions. He is easy to love because he loves so freely. His passion for the lyric, for music, and for performing… these are his way of believing, not only in himself, but all of us. He wants for each of us to dare to believe in ourselves, live our dreams, and know that, yes, the doors will open.
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