I used to live life the way that I wanted. But it's funny, because you think that you are living free, when really, you are living your life according to the way you've been taught to live it. You are doing things and habits that you were taught to and you know no better. One day I had a revelation. The next day, it seems, I woke up, and I was given a second chance at life.Did you know that there is a God who loves you? A God that would send His only Son to die for you?I knew that, but I had blown it off, not realizing the true signifigance of it. But think about it. Someone you do not know sending his son to die for you, that you could go free from bondage, from everything that would try to hold you back from living.Have you ever wanted to be free? I don't know about you, but freedom is what I have received. And you can receive it too.I used to party and do everything associated with it. I used to bounce from relationship to relationship trying to find that "one true love". I tried everything under the sun. But none of that filled that missing place in my heart. I thought that was freedom, that's what my head told me was freedom; but my heart knew better. Because I had to keep going back to all of those things for more, yet none of it gave me that freedom that I craved. I did all I knew.What do you do, when you've done everything you know to do, and you're still empty? your still hurting? your still longing?Well, I want to tell you: when you're desperate for your life to change, that's when He comes. I came to that place of hopeless desperation. I need You--this is what I cried out. I want You! I can't go on without You!God, creator of heaven and earth came down and touched me. Why? He is not same fable, some myth, some fairy tale. He is not who you think He is. He is awesome! He is wonderful! He is the greatest love you'll ever know!--He is LOVE.Do you want love? Do you desire love? Do you need love? Of course, everyone does. I want to invite you to experience real love.This love is so strong that it loves, even when you don;t love back. He loves you and died for you, even if you deny it. Even if you refuse to receive it. That's how much He loves you.When God touched me with His love, my whole life changed. It was like I was given a second chance at life. I received the freedom that I desired. My emptiness was filled. I felt His presence, so strong, that it knocked me to floor and I began to weep. I will never be the same.Thank You God for Your love. I will forever be changed.This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? using original artwork by Marah Johnson. Go get one!