I guess I should just say beer. Because I sell it. For a living. You know it. Booyakasha!
Other people who think that www.mycathatesyou.com is really funny. People that think I'm funny would be cool too.
My old school/never leave home without/can stand the entire album/know all the words to music would include: Jimi, da Beatles, Counting Crows, Sublime, Skynard, Zepplin!!!, Stones, Allman Brothers, Tom Petty and too many more to name. I'm way into Beck these days and woke up to Skynard's "Simple Man" for 3 months straight a while back. I DO NOT love U2. They're on 104.1, they're on my classic rock station, they're everywhere! If they invade my oldies station I will wash my hand of them. MUST they be so EPIC all the time?
LotR (when are they going to make the Hobbit? and what about Tom Bombadill?), Garden State, Office Space, Half Baked, The Sweetest Thing, Goodfellas, Goonies, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Indiana Jones, Super Troopers, Neverending Story, Major League, Much Ado About Nothing, Almost Famous, Adventures in Babysitting, Kill Bill, Love Actually, Napolean Dynamite(!), too many more to name. I love movies. Oh, almost forgot: Dogma.
Two best shows on TV right now: Family Guy * The Office. Hands down. I wish I had an extra hour in each day so I could never miss Sportscenter. My friends think I'm a loser because I sometimes stay in on Saturday to catch SNL. I have a current theory that all life experiences can be somehow related to a Seinfeld or Simpsons episode. I also really really really love the Food Network and I'm addicted to Deadliest Catch. Big time.
The Hobbit, etc., Da Vinci Code, The Chronicles of Narnia, Encyclopedia Brown, The World According to Garp (anything Irving), Pride and Prejudice, Emma (anything Austen), Where the Red Fern Grows, Earth's Children, Robinson Caruso, Jack London, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Clive Cussler, Jodi Picoult, Pillars of the Earth. I've recently been introduced to Ayn Rand (thanks Zysik) and I must say I'm in love.
Rafael Belliard, Jimi Hendrix, Jane Austen, McNabb, Tolkien, the makers of Utica Club (I'm JOKING people!)