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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

MySpace Layouts MySpace Codes MySpace Backgrounds hey hey!!:) my name is jonathan im originaly from middlesbrough but live in thornaby now. i have the bestest freinds ever (naomi & matty & ashleigh!!) loads more just cant be botherd to type them all in but they know who they are haha. i have just tuned 18 on the 20th of septemberand is lovin it. i also have the best mate anyone could have names billie grey she means the world to me and is always there when i need her dont know what i would do with out her, shes the bestest mate anyone could ask for. (K) i love to party and have a good laugh and alse get drunk on the weekends with ma mates. Well i dont know wah else to put in here now so if ya want to know anything else feel free to add my msn or message me. will use comment ma pix aswell i will return them :) Customize Your MySpace @

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