Musician in a Rock & Roll band called Something Underground, based in Denver, Colorado. Live with my bro in a rockin' wharehouse, along with our two dogs. Both my brother and I are in the band, and generally we spend about 90% of our time working with, for, and on our band. One might say it's not work since we love what we do. I have been very fortunate and have lead a very blessed life. I know it and I appreciate it very much. My family has been rock solid, and are my biggest supporters. Over the years with this band I have seen many things, places, and met many people, all of which I am grateful for. One of the most important philosophies I have is to not regret my decisions. When it comes to my life, I'm taking the bull by the horns, so to speak. I've not once regretted my decision to change paths completely and pursue my passion, playing music. Wish I could help everyone else do the same, as in, pursue their passions. When I go, I want people saying "he was happy" and "he died doing what he loved to do."Peace be the journey!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Check out the latest (and actually the first) video from my band Something Underground.. width="425" height="350" ....Good people
My Blog
The Story of Stuff
Please take 20 minutes and watch the free video called, The Story of Stuff. Go to This may not be anything new to you. However, the video puts into perspective what has... Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 18:34:00 GMT