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About Me

We shall annihilate the emos, Scientologists, and Rosie O'Donnell.

My Interests


Member Since: 22/07/2007
Band Website: the Underpants Gnomes don't believe in websites
Band Members: Mari: guitar
Nate: guitar
Alex: bass
Underpants Gnome 1: kazoo
Underpants Gnome 2: accordian
Underpants Gnome 3: tuba
Underpants Gnome 4: didjeridoo
drums: ???
keyboards: ???
Influences: Pizza
Sounds Like: a pickle
Record Label: you really think we're gonna get signed???

My Blog

Need band members

we need a drummer, keyboardist, and a vocalist (preferably female, that can scream).we play death metal, it's gonna be very fast and well written music and have folky inflections in some of the songs....
Posted by on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 20:44:00 GMT