"Ride For You" - Danity Kane
[Verse 1-Aundrea]
Lately, I've been tryna fight whatever's pulling us under
it's got a hold and really making me wonder
what it takes to get through
I gotta stick with you, my baby
Baby tell me?
Maybe I'm foolishly overreacting
But being without you I can't imagine
It's just to close to the heart and
And I won't stand it if were broken apart
Do you hear me?
Baby ya gotta believe in the things that make you & me win together
Don't you throw in the towel
I'm keeping my promise to you I got ya back now
When the chips are down
It seems like it's so hard for you to move ahead
Just know that I am by your side
There aint no ifs, buts, or maybes,
I'm gonna stay down and ride for you baby
[Verse 2- Dawn]
We've been cutting it close with the backwards & forwards
It's rocking the boat; we gotta get control of this
Let's take it back to three years ago
When you said that we could make it through whatever, ever
And to me it sounded like you meant forever, ever
Leaving was not an option, baby, never, never
Now don't you believe in a love that's worth a fight
In you is everything that I'm missing
So give us a chance
[Verse 3- D. Woods]
Don't you dare tell me we gotta let it go?
We been on top for too long just to let it go under
I don't wanna hear that
I just can't hear that
and know
Wherever you wanna take me
I'll go
I been with you for too long to start over with another
I know that you hear me
Just tell me you hear me
[Chorus w/ Ad-libs (D. Woods)
[Outro Ad Libs]
I L♥Ve...
CoMpUTeR ArTs, PiLaTeS, TeNniS, ShOpPiNg, HaNgiNg oUt WiT My fRiEnDs, rEaDiNg JaPaNeSe CoMiC BooKs, PLaYiNg WaRcRaFt III(DoTa) I suck though...=P, I LOVE SLeEpiNg, HuGGiNg My BaBiE kErMiT♥, AnD EaTiNg CaNdY! XD
www.xanga.com/enTYSin_CHiQs , Friendster Blogs .
I'd like to meet:
I wAnT tO MeEt My oLd FriEnDs, PeOpLe i'Ve MeT AnD WoNdErFuL PeOpLe WhO's TrUe tO ThEmSeLvEs As WeLL As tO OtHeRs! (^o^)/
Someone who can...
Oh, and if it's ever possible, which really isn't...my two Grandpa who passed away in April 2005 & in May 2004...=( I also wanna see my Grandmas, Aunties, Uncles, Cuzins, my WhOLe FaMiLy in JaPaN!!!
Alisa, Grandpa (4rm Yokohama), & me.
My Family in Tokyo, Japan!!
mOi HoMMiEz
ChEcK OuT My 193 fReNz
~YuNnY~ (SiNgLe n FaBuLoUs) ;)
»ReSa« (ThE NeRd n MaRRiEd oNe)
*Ai-chan* (mOi JaPaNeSie BuDDie)
♠aLiSa&spades (BiG SiS)
♣MaR♣ (CrAzY LiTtO SiS)
<.:BaBie G:.>
[email protected].
◊JoSs◊ aka Ms pRoMiScUoUs(mOi OtHa 1/4? JaPaNeSie BuDDie)
View All .:*SÅMi*:.'s fReNz
SLoW JaMs, R&B *DOUBLE* , JPoP *SOWELU* , PoP, JaZz, BoSSa NoVa, HaWaiiAn *HaPa*.
HoW tO LoSe A GuY iN 10 DaYs, Lord Of The Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, MeAn GirLs, Honey, Last Samurai, Daddy Daycare, The Notebook, 50 First Dates, aLL ThE DiSnEy MoViEs, & aLL ThE MoViEs FrOm ThE CrEaToR oF "SPiRiTeD AwAy," Hayao Miyazaki !! (Hehe, I haV EvErY OnE oF HiS MoViEs FrOm JaPaN!!)
Ooo and my DVD,
"NADIA ~The Secret of Blue Water~"
~Breakfast At Tiffany's~
*Audrey Hepburn*
DoN ReaLLy WaTcH TV ShoWs.
Hmmm... My sista's DVD collection,
~*~*~*~*Sex and the City!*~*~*~*~
My DVD-R, Korean drama "Full House."
Oooo and I love the Japanese comic series of "Chibi Maruko-Chan"!!
And I like Bewitched in Tokyo on ImaginAsianTV!
JaPaNeSe CoMic BooKs!
"Hot Gimmick!" by VIZ.com
And JaPaneSe MaGaziNeS ~JJ & ViVi~
My Parents!!
My BaBie kErMiT♥!
♠DOUBLE♠ www.forlife.co.jp
♣Alicia Keys♣ www.aliciakeys.com
*Sowelu* www.sowelu.info