C.O.I were born on a boozy night in mid 2007, as four minds discussed the possibility of playing instruments in the same room as each other. After a heavy night out on the Saturday, they became a band on the Sunday. What followed was a unique style, all four with different tastes in music but enough focus and determination to make one sound, their sound ! Since that day they have continued to grow, recently launching their debut CD, a ten track album cheekily titled 'Greatest Hits (in the time allocated)'...
"We watch many bands deserving of popular acclaim, far, far fewer where we dare to hope it's simply a matter of time. Every peice fits". VENUE MAGAZINE
"I like the idea of them trying something new in their writing, the songs are well structured and the lyrics are well thought out". BRISTOL ROCKS REVIEW
"Everything - from exemplary technique to inspired song construction - is made to look utterly effortless............ genuinly exciting". VENUE MAGAZINE
"Their music broadens the possibilities of indie rock. It's a treat, reminding you what homegrown bands can do". SUIT YOURSELF MAGAZINE
"I quite like them, they're alright". ANDY SAMPSON
"This Bristol based unit pushes some boundaries here, with a unique sound, and enough hooks to catch a great white!". RED SQUARE RECORDS
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