There are days, every now & again, I pretend I profile picture

There are days, every now & again, I pretend I

Just when I think Im invincible, you come and happen to me

About Me

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Im a 22 year old mother of a five year old boy. My son means more than the world to me, without him I would be nothing! Hes the reason I try soo hard in life to acheive all that I can and do the best at everything I can!! To provide the best for him and try to give him what he wants and needs!! I love to be around friends! Just chillin and hanging out while everyone cuts up!!! Love to go out and have the most fun I can. I like to go out dancing! Shoot pool!! Watch a band or see a concert!! (Just saw Nickelback in concert in Nashville - They ROCKED!!) Go street racing or to the drag strip!!
I work full time for a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) and I LOVE my job! The people I work with are great, the job is fun and its a really good learning experience so one day I can make lots and lots of money!!! I go to college at night and Im hoping that I graduate before Riley does!! Ive been going for 4 years and I dont think & Im SOME WHAT close to getting my Associates Degree. I think I have about 4 more classes!!!I wont give up!! Just have to keep working at it and eventually it will all be worth it!!
I like to do it all. Im very go with the flow, down for whatever. Im a very laid back person!!! Really hate to just sit at home, I always like to be on the go!.. Even if where I am going is no where. I love to shop, duh! Im a girl, what girl doesnt love to shop?? Spending money is my stress reliever!! Spending money makes me feel better when Ive had a bad day!! (Spending MY money, not other peoples!!!) Buying clothes and shoes, even if its clothes for someone else, like my son, makes me feel better. LOL I dont know why.. It just does!
I like to spend time with my son, going to hockey games (We went to most of the Huntsville Havoc games), football games (ROLL TIDE!!!), baseball games!
Riley played T-ball for the 1st time this year (the youngest boy on the team) and they did AMAZING!! They were 13-1 for the season and came in 2nd place in the tournament!! Riley hit 2 home runs during the season his 1st year playing ball!!! Im so excited for him! Playing ball is something that he truely loves, and seeing him so happy makes me happy!!! I cant wait for next season to watch him again and see how much he improves as he grows up!!
I finally found the guy who makes me HAPPIER THAN EVER!!! He makes me happier than any guy ever has!! We've been dating about 6 months now and spending time with him is something I look forward to every day!!! People usually say you find what youre looking for when you stop looking, and I'm glad that we found eachother when neither of us were out looking for anything. Its the best find Ive ever come across and I dont plan on ever letting him go!! We get along great and like to do lots of stuff together!! Riley loves spending time with "HIS TIMMY" too!!
Anyways, Usually if you see me on myspace, Im on AOL too.. Unless Im at work, so you can try to IM me if ya wanna chat!! My screen name is SumtinBoutChelle
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My Interests

♥ I Like: ♥ Shopping ♥ Spending time w/ My Son -Riley ♥ Spending time w/ My Boyfriend - Tim ♥ Spending time with friends ♥ Dancing ♥ Shooting pool (Not too good tho) ♥ Laying out by the pool ♥ Girl Talk ♥ Makeup - But not putting it on ♥ Dressing up to go out ♥ Going out for drinks ♥ Curling up in bed ♥ Staying out all night ♥ Going out of town ♥ The beach! ♥ Live Music! ♥ Curly fries ♥ Dairy Queen Ice Cream ♥ Jade Palace ♥ Olive Garden ♥ TGI Fridays ♥ Food in general makes me happy ♥ SHOES ♥ Miniskirts ♥ Spending my money ♥ SPORTS ♥ Kissing ♥ Being wrapped in his arms ♥ ALABAMA FOOTBALL ♥ Having butterflies ♥ Adrenaline Rushes ♥ Being in love ♥ Fast Food ♥ MilkShakes ♥ Starbucks ♥ Vodka ♥ Holding hands ♥ Laughing ♥ Acting like a kid ♥ My job! ♥ Being a mother!!!! ♥ Living in Huntsville (You all may think it sucks, but wait till you have children) ♥ Talking on the phone ♥ Myspace ♥ Heels ♥ Capris ♥ Secrets you share with someone special ♥ Photography ♥ Letting someone else drive ♥ Sleeping in ♥ Whispering in eachothers ears ♥ Watching Riley play T-ball ♥ Did I mention SHOPPING :) ♥ Spending time with my friends ♥ Huntsville Havoc Hockey ♥ Drag Racing ♥ Stupid shows on MTV - Laguna Beach, The Hills, Room Raiders, NEXT, Real World ♥ House! The only show I HAVE TO WATCH ♥ The Horse!! Hottest Club in Hville ♥ Smelling Good ♥ Flowers ♥ Sunshine ♥ The Beach ♥ Inside jokes you share with friends ♥ ♥ *My DISLikes!*
♥ Being Broke ♥ Living at Home ♥ Not having anything to do ♥ Waking up early ♥ Arguing ♥ Being Tired - I get CRANKY!! ♥ Driving when Im sleepy!! ♥ Being Hungry!! ♥ Going to school! ♥ Going to bed alone ♥ People who start drama ♥ DRAMA in fucking general ♥ Unresponsible People ♥ Immature People ♥ HYPOCRITES ♥ Liars ♥ Two Faced People - Dont pretend to like me if you don't!! & I'll do the same!! ♥ Winter!! ♥ Long pants ♥ Socks & Shoes ♥ Sweaters ♥ Static Electricity!! ♥ Not getting paid enough!! ♥ That I havent graduated college yet! ♥ Cell phone bills!! ♥ Being sad ♥ People who take things too serious!! ♥ Not laughing!! ♥ Feeling self conscience ♥ Body Odor!! - Smell ya, Shouldnt have to tell ya! ♥ Crying ♥ Kids who think they are all that & havent experienced life ♥ People who look down on young mothers ♥ Girls that give young mothers a bad reputation ♥ Fast Food Employees ♥ Customer Service people who bitch ♥ Being Tickled ♥ FEET ♥ People who dont take care of their kids ♥ Drugs ♥ Not having anything to do after 2 in the morning! ♥ When the liquor store is closed & gas stations stop selling beer ♥ When you call someone to talk & they dont answer the phone ♥ When someone says they will call back & dont ♥ Road Rage!! ♥ People who drive SLOW in the LEFT LANE - MOVE BITCH GET OUT THA WAY!! ♥ Being told what to do ♥ When my son talks back ♥Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
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