Cindy profile picture


Do unto others as you would have done unto you!!

About Me

Hi, my name is Cindy Beth Bass, I live in Oregon. I have 2 kids, one 10 years old named Lindsey,and one 7 named Leeann. I live with my boyfriend, Danny. We all love each other so much. :- I am a three quarter time student at Oregon Coast Community Colleg in Newport, Oregon, carrying a 4.0 GPA...table, tr, td {background-color: transparent; border: 1px solid 00C0FF; padding:2; direction:ltr; }table table {border: 0px; }table table table {border: 1px solid 00C0FF; background-color: FFFDD4; padding:2 }table table table table {border: 0px; }table table table {border:4px solid; border-color: 00C0FF;padding:1; background-color: FFFDD4; filter:alpha(opacity=95);-moz-opacity:0.9; opacity:0.9; -khtml-opacity:0.9} table table{border:0px} table table table table{border:0px}; myspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.

My Interests

I love being in the water on my boat with my favorite people on board. I like bon fires and get togethers too!! Love to Snow board also.


I'd like to meet:

I would love to see and meet my Mom


I love Rock & Roll, Hip Hop, Pop, Classic Rock, and Old School. I love the song "Loosen my Buttons" alot.


I LOVE good movies. I like any kind, comedy, horror, or romance, but my favorite movie to watch with my children is "BROTHER BEAR 1", and "SPIRIT". I cry when I see them, because they remind me of my Mom.



Cold Case Files and Forensic type shows. Reality.


I don't read a whole lot but I am a full time student at Oregon Coast Community College. Averae 4.0 GPA, and am a proud member of the Phi Theta Kappa.


My kids and my Mom are my heros, and I love all of them SO, SO, SO, SO much!!!beige/lime green/cyan minimal layout with stars in the corner

My Blog

A family that plays together, stays together.

Always play with your kids. Don't leave them out. Don't leave them with a babysitter every weekend. Do things that the whole family can enjoy. Forever remember....A Family That Plays Together, Stays T...
Posted by Cindy on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:25:00 PST