"2nd To None" Alex Balboa profile picture

"2nd To None" Alex Balboa

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

AOL S/N IS BigLexInPa...MSN and YAHOO S/N IS alexbalboa83First and most importantly, wrestling is my life. It is who i am. It defines me as a person.It's my passion and my mistress.It is everything that i've ever wanted to become. 10 times out of 10, it comes first in my life. I consider myself to be very wise for my age. That's because i've been a lot of places and done a lot of things. Some good and some not so good. I'm a well traveled person. I've been to Afgahnistan, Pakistan, Germany, Spain, Amsterdam, Canada, Mexico, and damn near every state in the U.S. I hate being around negative people. I find it very sad when people use the words "I can't". In my spare time, I enjoy doing whatever is relaxing such as watching movies, shooting pool, and sitting in my jacuzzi drinking a cold one and listening to music.

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My Interests


Anything i can relate to.


Too many to mention. My favorite actors are Denzel Washington, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Jon Voight, Al Pachino, and Robert DeNiro.


Wrestling and the king of queens


Most wrestling books.


My Chiropracter!!!!