AOL S/N IS BigLexInPa...MSN and YAHOO S/N IS alexbalboa83First and most importantly, wrestling is my life. It is who i am. It defines me as a person.It's my passion and my mistress.It is everything that i've ever wanted to become. 10 times out of 10, it comes first in my life. I consider myself to be very wise for my age. That's because i've been a lot of places and done a lot of things. Some good and some not so good. I'm a well traveled person. I've been to Afgahnistan, Pakistan, Germany, Spain, Amsterdam, Canada, Mexico, and damn near every state in the U.S. I hate being around negative people. I find it very sad when people use the words "I can't". In my spare time, I enjoy doing whatever is relaxing such as watching movies, shooting pool, and sitting in my jacuzzi drinking a cold one and listening to music.
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