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Put some cornbread in her fryin' pan! http://cdbaby.com/cd/drfongORDER NASTY WHITE BOY AT http://cdbaby.com/link?u=205512I've been doing Internet Radio Broadcasting for around nine years now, specifically in the Blues, and Rock genres, and Dr. Fong's music is like a breath of fresh air, is unique, and is real. Comparing his music to the majority of all the mass-produced stuff they label as music,l is like comparing a home-made Southern dinner to a can of beans. Take one listen to "Cornbread In Her Frying Pan", and I rest my case. Hamr-- Blues 'N Boogie Radio....................................................... ................................................. Way, way back there was a young boy who was always "doctoring" things, everything from altering recipes to rewriting song lyrics to turning the lawnmower into a hovercraft. That kid, Jay Wilfong aka the infamous Dr. Fong started writing songs at age 7 in a little town named Willow Branch way off the beaten path in Indiana..................................................... .................... A Real Guitar hero? Mad songwriter with a warped sense of humor? Rocker extraordinaire? Bluesman? Maybe all of the above?...............................Wilfong's musical influences in order were the Ventures, Paul Revere & The Raiders, The Detroit Wheels, The Yardbirds (Clapton, Beck & Page), Hendrix, The Who, Billy Gibbons/ZZ Top and Jeff Beck. Fong's first LP dates way back to '74 with the "baddest band what am" Primevil. That effort recorded at the legendary 700 West Studio was entitled "Smokin' Bats At Campton's" and over the years has become one of the most prized and valuable collector's rock & roll albums in existence. Find out more about Primevil and 700 West Studio at www.700west.com ............................................................ ........................Following the Primevil release Wilfong went to work on a secret studio project which was debuted in Indianapolis, Indiana in 1980. 700 West Studio's guru engineer Moe Whittemore layered in magic in this LP as well. The release was tremendously successful in it's debut but was not picked up by a national label primarily because of the turmoil and economic recession the country and the record industry suffered at that time. Having invested everything in the project and losing it all, including the end of first marriage, Wilfong laid down his guitar for 23 years, wrongly blaming himself and music for the hard times....................................................... .............................................In 1998, as fate would have it, Wilfong moved to Nashville, Tennessee as part of a business venture. In this new environment, surrounded by great music and players, Wilfong one day picked up a guitar and drove to a little after hours jam session at a local music store. Shaking off the rust and remembering the old licks and learning lots of new ones, the bug had bit the good doc again. Wilfong and a friend put together a band called The BoilerMakers which soon became a very hot commodity on the Nashville blues circuit. Following The BoilerMakers, Wilfong's "daFonGang" brought blues/rock to a new level playing regularly at B. B. King's, Bourbon Street Blues & Boogie Bar and Bluesboro, along with regular concert dates in the Southeast................................................... ...........................................In the last few years Dr. Fong has released several CD's almost exclusively consisting of songs he has written. Typically he plays all of the parts, sings all of the parts, produces, engineers and records at his Mystery Isle Studio in Nashville Some of his recent works are ....."Beethoven Of Da Blues", "Black Stiletto Shoes", Goin' Out To Party Tonight", "Rock & Roll Fever", "CataClizm On 8th Avenue", "Rhinestone Fongboy" and has also released the Primevil "Smokin' Bats At Campton's" and "Buccaneer" LP's on CD. Additionally there is a "Best O' Fong" CD released and all are available digitally at all of the best online digital download sites and the physical CD's are all available at CDBaby.com Check out Dr. Fong & Friends, one of rock and blues' best kept secrets today!