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The world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.
[ Helen Keller ]
Help this World overcome Global Warming, Cancer, AND World hunger by being a little bit Greener by...
REUSING. If you're thinking of purchasing preowned video game consoles. You'll prevent nine pounds of plastics and hazardous materials from potentially entering a landfill as well as save the resources and energy used to manufacture and transport a new one. If just one in fifty new video game consoles purchased per year were preowned, it would save 2.28 million pounds of electronic waste per year from entering landfills.
-The Green Book
“ You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions. â€ :)
There is enough water in American swimming pools to cover the whole city of San Francisco seven feet deep.
i'm dulce lee . i do have a stripper name ...
although i don't actually strip [it's candy reeds , in case you were wondering].
i recently turned seventeen & i'm EXCITED for
what life has in store for me.
i'm a low-maintenance gal in a high-maintenance
world. although i can be crazy dramatic,
i often don't mean it. :) fun, food, & family/friends are what i'm all about. i like to sing on my MagicSing karaoke machine…
but only when i’m alone
i want to
travel and i eventually will move to a different
country, specifically somewhere in Europe. i
aspire to be in advertising or an
editor of a magazine. i love varsity tennis
at garland high school & i hate IB english. i'm
an avid reader & i know facts that you probably
would find random but i find useful :). i recently
became more passionate about the environment, & if
you care at all about the world & your future children
i suggest you should too. remember reduce reuse
recycle. =] i can
probably keep talking about myself for another
200 lines but i challenge you to get to know
me before you judge me. after which you are free to
decide whether i'm worth your time or not. =]
music is what words can't express. it's who we are. =]
starwars.donniedarko.soundofmusic.greece.findingnemo.theincr edibles.hercules.thebeauty&thebeast.thedeparted.andsoman ymore.
bigshots.bionicwoman.chuck.designonadime.desperatehousewives .friends.gilmoregirls.gossipgirl.greek.hannahmontana. oad.psych.pushingdaisies.scrubs.smallville.soyouthinkyoucand ance.thebigbangtheory.thesuitlifeofzach&cody.tradingspac es.two&ahalfmen.uglybetty.veronicamars.
books take you places. go somewhere. =]